About Songtime
Songtime is a resource ministry that teaches the Word of God in a Christ-centered way with a gospel focus.
It is primarily based in New England to reach New England with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
At the forefront of everything that we do is an effort to point people to Christ.
The gospel is not only for unbelievers, it is for Christians as well. It is the power for a transformed life, and it is the hope for a hurting world.
Whether through interviews, articles, or teaching, our communication is always based on the authority of the Word of God.
Many Voices, One Message

Each day thousands of radio listeners, on over 45 stations throughout the Northeast, hear a message centering on the gospel from a variety of leading scholars, Bible teachers, pastors, and authors.
Through our print and publication ministry, our readers see probing and pastoral articles from a variety of writers that regularly draw them to go deeper into the Word of God and further in their walk with Christ.
Every year at our Definitions Conferences we host leading Bible teachers who speak to an audience of over 600, helping them go deeper in their understanding of the Word of God and offering doctrinal clarification on key elements of the faith.
From New England, For New England
According to the Barna Research Group, seven of the top ten post-Christian cities are in the Northeast.1
Pew Research suggests that the evangelical population in the Northeast is only 13%, and yet those listed as Non-Religious almost double the evangelical population at 25%.2
Church Relevant found 49 of the 100 least evangelical counties were in the Northeast. Each of these counties are under 3% evangelical whereas the national average is above 23%.3
1 “The Most Post-Christian Cities in America - Barna: Cities - Barna Group.”
2 “Adults in the Northeast - Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.”
3 “Most and Least Evangelical Counties in the United States [Interactive Map]”

As a ministry in New England serving New England, it is our burden to come alongside of the local Church to build it up to affect the surrounding culture.