Daily Broadcast 12/10/2021 – Friday
Adam interviewed Katy Morgan, she is the author of a new novel that retells the Christmas story. Her book is called The Promise and the Light. John Piper is talking about peace in his message: My Peace I Give to You, Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled.
Daily Broadcast 12/09/2021 – Thursday
Adam interviewed Katy Morgan, she is the author of a new novel that retells the Christmas story. Her book is called The Promise and the Light. John Piper is talking about peace in his message: My Peace I Give to You, Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled.
Daily Broadcast 12/08/2021 – Wednesday
Adam interviewed Katy Morgan, she is the author of a new novel that retells the Christmas story. Her book is called The Promise and the Light. John Piper is talking about peace in his message: My Peace I Give to You, Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled.
Daily Broadcast 12/07/2021 – Tuesday
Adam interviewed Katy Morgan, she is the author of a new novel that retells the Christmas story. Her book is called The Promise and the Light. John Piper is talking about peace in his message: My Peace I Give to You, Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled.
Daily Broadcast 12/06/2021 – Monday
Today we have something a little different. Adam interviewed Katy Morgan, she is the author of a new novel that retells the Christmas story. Her book is called The Promise and the Light. John Piper is talking about peace in his message: My Peace I Give to You, Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled.
Daily Broadcast 12/04/2021 – Weekend
Adam and Melissa Kruger continue their conversation on Advent and her book The Weary World Rejoices. DA Carson continues his message on Hope.
Daily Broadcast 12/03/2021 – Friday
Adam and Melissa Kruger continue their conversation on Advent and her book The Weary World Rejoices. DA Carson continues his message on Hope.
Daily Broadcast 12/02/2021 – Thursday
Adam and Melissa Kruger continue their conversation on Advent and her book The Weary World Rejoices. DA Carson continues his message on Hope.