Daily Broadcast 08/03/2024 – Weekend
Alistair Begg takes us into Psalm 130 this week as we continue our Summer Psalm Series.
Daily Broadcast 08/02/2024 – Friday
We wrap up our week with Kristin Elizabeth Couch and Sinclair Ferguson today.
Daily Broadcast 08/01/2024 – Thursday
Kristin Elizabeth Couch is back again today to talk with Adam about the fruit of the Spirit.
Daily Broadcast 07/31/2024 – Wednesday
Our families are a blessing from God. Sinclair Ferguson talks to us about how we need to care for, and point them back to Christ.
Daily Broadcast 07/30/2024 – Tuesday
If we want a household of faith we need to teach our families how to do it. Sinclair Ferguson gives us a hand with his message from psalms today.
Daily Broadcast 07/29/2024 – Monday
This week we are joined by Kristin Elizabeth Couch to talk about the fruit of the spirit and her new book: Deep Roots, Good Fruit.
Daily Broadcast 07/27/2024 – Weekend
Sinclair Ferguson takes us to Psalm 127 as we look at how to keep god in the center of our lives and families.
Daily Broadcast 07/26/2024 – Friday
That was a quick week!c I can’t believe we are done. If you missed any of the episodes they are all available on Songtime.com.