Daily Broadcast 04/04/2024 – Thursday
Dr. Gary Habermas tells us more about the Defense of the Resurrection.
Daily Broadcast 04/03/2024 – Wednesday
Gary Habermas joins us once again to talk about the history and the apologetics of the resurrection.
Daily Broadcast 04/02/2024 – Tuesday
Sinclair Ferguson teaches from his message Jesus, He Must Rise.
Daily Broadcast 04/01/2024 – Monday
Today we will be joined by Dr Gary Habermas one of the leading scholars on the resurrection.
Daily Broadcast 03/30/2024 – Weekend
Sinclair Ferguson takes us to the empty tomb and we talk about the fact that Mary a woman was the first to see the risen Savior.
Daily Broadcast 03/29/2024 – Friday
Today we look at Jesus’ final hours on the cross. Adam and Andreas Kostenberger discuss what happened and what it means for us.
Daily Broadcast 03/28/2024 – Thursday
Andeas Kostenberger takes us into the narrative of Thursday in these final days of Jesus.
Daily Broadcast 03/27/2024 – Wednesday
On this special Holy Week broadcast Colin Smith takes us into the Easter story as Jesus provides us salvation and righteousness we could never achieve on our own.