Daily Broadcast 06/27/2024 – Thursday
Adam is talking to Amber Albee Swenson al this week on the show. they are looking at her book You Can Trust God When Life Hurts.
Daily Broadcast 06/26/2024 – Wednesday
In 1 John we are told to love one another. Part of that is praying for those who have hurt us. Kevin DeYoung takes us into this hard subject.
Daily Broadcast 06/25/2024 – Tuesday
Kevin DeYoung is wrapping up our study in 1 john this week. He is looking at John’s closing statements on todays show.
Daily Broadcast 06/24/2024 – Monday
How can we be assured of Gods goodness when so many things are going wrong in this world? This week we are joined by Amber Albee Swenson to talk about how you can trust God when life hurts.
Daily Broadcast 06/21/2024 – Friday
Here we are at the end of another week of great broadcasts. if you missed any you can catch up on Songtime.com. all our broadcast are always here for you to listen to.
Daily Broadcast 06/20/2024 – Thursday
Tom Robson takes us through the Bible to show us the glory of God.
Daily Broadcast 06/19/2024 – Wednseday
Today Adam is looking at Tom Robson’s new book on the breathtaking glory of God.
Daily Broadcast 06/18/2024 – Tuesday
We have overcome the world by our faith. Nate Pickowicz tells us how that works in todays show.