Daily Broadcast 05/30/2024 – Thursday
Adam talks to Glen Scrivener about the challenges of sharing your faith in a post Christian culture.
Daily Broadcast 05/29/2024 – Wednesday
On todays show we have film maker, author, content creator, and evangelist Glen Scrivener. He is with us to help us see life through the lens of the gospel.
Daily Broadcast 05/28/2024 – Tuesday
We have been commanded to love in 1st John chapter 3. Dr Sinclair Ferguson takes us in depth on these verses.
Daily Broadcast 05/27/2024 – Monday
How do we see the world? Through the lens of life? Or through the lens of the gospel? Glen Scrivener helps us with some perspective on todays show.
Daily Broadcast 05/25/2024 – Weekend
This week Sinclair Ferguson is taking us deeper into 1st John. He is uncovering God’s love to us.
Daily Broadcast 05/24/2024 – Friday
Wow, that was a fast week! Here it is Friday and we are at an end of our great interview with Jeff Mingee. If you missed any of the interview you can listen to the whole thing right here on our website.
Daily Broadcast 05/23/2024 – Thursday
God has called us to be his children. And to represent him to others. How do we do that? HB Charles Jr. takes us into 1 John 3.
Daily Broadcast 05/22/2024 – Wednesday
Jeff Mingee looks at how we should be handling our digital world from a Godly perspective in todays show.