Daily Broadcast 02/27/2024 – Tuesday
How do we see the Aaronic Blessing as a new testament believer? Michael Glodo sheds some light on it for us as he and Adam discuss Micheals new book: The LORD Bless You and Keep You.
Daily Broadcast 02/26/2024 – Monday
Jesus claims to be the way the truth and the life in today I AM statement. Dr. Bryan Chapell is taking us through it.
Daily Broadcast 02/24/2024 – Weekend
We are looking at the Aaronic Blessing this week with the help of Michael Glodo. May The LORD Bless You and Keep You.
Daily Broadcast 02/23/2024 – Friday
Tim Keller wraps up his his look into John 13 and the love of Jesus.
Daily Broadcast 02/22/2024 – Thursday
Tim Keller continues to talk about how Jesus loved, and showed that love by washing the feet of his disciples.
Daily Broadcast 02/21/2024 – Wednesday
Where is the line between love and truth with those that might take advantage of us. Jamie Dunlop and Adam sat down to discuss this.
Daily Broadcast 02/20/2024 – Tuesday
Tim Keller points out in today message that Jesus washed the feet of all twelve of his disciples. Even the one that he knew would betray him.
Daily Broadcast 02/19/2024 – Monday
On the broadcast today Jamie Dunlop talks about loving those in our world that are difficult to love.