Daily Broadcast 11/16/2023 – Thursday
We are up to holy week in our year in review. Alistair Begg talks about Luke 24 in his message today.
Daily Broadcast 11/15/2023 – Wednesday
On todays broadcast we look back to Roger Carswells talk with Adam about the three days that changed the world.
Daily Broadcast 11/14/2023 – Tuesday
Everybody loves a good story. Today Adam talks to Greg Gilbert who has written a book called: The Epic Story of the Bible. As far as true stories go they don’t get any better than that!
Daily Broadcast 11/13/2023 – Monday
Need a break? Stop and listen to Adam’s interview with Guy Waters. They are talking about the Sabbath and why it’s important.
Daily Broadcast 11/11/2023 – Weekend
Today we are looking back to Adam’s interview with Jeremiah Johnson and his book Body of Proof. We also check out a sermon from the late Tim Keller from our time in the book of Luke.
Daily Broadcast 11/10/2023 – Friday
Adam talks to Barnabas Piper about his book Belong: Love your Church. Do you love your church? Link to full interview.
Daily Broadcast 11/09/2023 – Thursday
Earlier this year Adam got to sit down wit Gary Chapman to talk about his latest book. take a listen. Here’s the link to the full interview.
Daily Broadcast 11/08/2023 – Wednesday
Ed Welch is on the broadcast today. When we first aired this he was very popular. Check it out and look for the rest of the interview here.