Daily Broadcast 02/17/2024 – Weekend
How do we love the one’s that drive us crazy? Adam talks with Jamie Dunlop about this. And yes it’s the subject of Jamies new book.
Daily Broadcast 02/16/2024 – Friday
Dr. Sharon James gives us some ideas on how to respond when people say Christianity is bad for the world.
Daily Broadcast 02/15/2024 – Thursday
How do we address evil in the midst of the christian community? Dr Sharon James takes the question on.
Daily Broadcast 02/14/2024 – Wednesday
Dr. Wiersbe is looking at the Triumphal Entry in todays show.
Daily Broadcast 02/13/2024 – Tuesday
Warren Wiersbe takes to John chapter 12 as we continue in our journey through the Gospel of John.
Daily Broadcast 02/12/2024 – Monday
Sharon James is our guest this week and she has an interesting question. Is Christianity Good for the World? She and Adam dive into this.
Daily Broadcast 02/10/2024 – Weekend
Songtime’s old friend the late Warren Wiersbe is giving us Marching Orders in today show.
Daily Broadcast 02/09/2024 – Friday
DA Carson wraps up this amazing story in John. Lazarus being raised from the dead.