Daily Broadcast 01/20/2024 – Weekend
Jesus heals a blind man in Nate Pickowicz sermon this week.
Daily Broadcast 01/19/2024 – Friday
Adam wraps up his interview with Mama Bear Hillary Morgan Ferrer from Mama Bear Apologetics.
Daily Broadcast 01/18/2024 – Thursday
On today broadcast we are continuing our journey through the book of John. Sinclair Ferguson takes us into chapter 8.
Daily Broadcast 01/17/2024 – Wednesday
Hillary Morgan Ferrer with Mama Bear Apologetics is her this week to help us navigate teaching our kids how to deal the cultural lies we are dealing with.
Daily Broadcast 01/16/2024 – Tuesday
Sinclair Ferguson and our guest Hillary Morgan Ferrer are both talking about dealing with the lies of our culture on today broadcast.
Daily Broadcast 01/15/2024 – Monday
How do we prepare the next generation to confront the lies of our culture? Hillary Morgan Ferrer from Mama Bear Apologetics is here to help us with that.
Daily Broadcast 01/13/2024 – WKND
This week Sinclair Ferguson takes us into John chapter 8. We are looking at Jesus’ statement “I am the light of the world”.
Daily Broadcast 01/12/2024 – Friday
We wrap up our look at Jon Nielson’s Devotional for teens. And our look at John 6 and the feeding of the 5000 with Bryan Chapell.