Daily Broadcast 01/02/2024 – Tuesday
Pippa Cramer talks about how to use the most popular hymns to share our faith with our loved ones.
Daily Broadcast 01/01/2024 – Happy New Year!
Bob Kauflin goes into the story of the woman at the well in todays broadcast.
Daily Broadcast 12/30/2023 – Weekend
What is Jesus looking for in his followers? Bob Kauflin takes us into John chapter four to find out.
Daily Broadcast 12/29/2023 – Friday
We wrap up our Christmas season with DA Carson’s look at John 3:16.
Daily Broadcast 12/28/2023 – Thursday
Adam and Andreas Kostenberger dig into the details of the Christmas story.
Daily Broadcast 12/27/2023 – Wednesday
How could Nicodemus miss the narrative of the gospel with Jesus standing right in front of him. this is the question DA Carson explores today.
Daily Broadcast 12/26/2023 – Tuesday
Andreas Kostenberger continues his look at the first days of Jesus in his interview this week.
Daily Broadcast 12/25/2023 – Merry Christmas!
Andreas Kostenberger gives us a new perspective on the first days of Jesus.