Daily Broadcast 8/08/2023 – Tuesday
David Lamb has a new book out called The Emotions of God. Adam and David sat down to talk about what does it all mean.
Daily Broadcast 8/07/2023 – Monday
We are kicking off our tradition with our Summer Psalms Series. Alistair Begg is looking at book four with a palm of Moses.
Daily Broadcast 8/05/2023 – Weekend
e are looking at the emotions of God this week with David Lamb. And Alistair Begg is back to look at the Psalms of Moses.
Daily Broadcast 8/04/2023 – Friday
Today we wrap up our look at the book of the Acts. its been a great run through Acts but don’t worry we have more great teaching planned for next week. stay tuned to find out where we are going next!
Daily Broadcast 8/03/2023 – Thursday
Paul uses his own story in his defense in Acts 26 as Alistair Begg shows us.
Daily Broadcast 8/02/2023 – Wednesday
Trevin Wax talks with Adam about the book of Psalms in our Summer Psalms Series.
Daily Broadcast 8/01/2023 – Tuesday
Alistair Begg talks about Pauls trial in Acts 26 on todays broadcast.
Daily Broadcast 7/31/2023 – Monday
Some people do Proverbs in 30 days. But have you ever thought of trying Psalms? Adam and Trevin Wax talk about it in today broadcast.