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Daily Broadcast 12/09/2022 – Friday

It’s the Christmas season and we are talking Hymn Stories again! David and Barbara Leeman have a new book Our Hymns, Our Heritage. It’s a great book to use for devotions the season. John Piper has our sermon this week. He’s preaching on the virgin birth in his sermon The Child to Be Born.

Daily Broadcast 12/08/2022 – Thursday

It’s the Christmas season and we are talking Hymn Stories again! David and Barbara Leeman have a new book Our Hymns, Our Heritage. It’s a great book to use for devotions the season. John Piper has our sermon this week. He’s preaching on the virgin birth in his sermon The Child to Be Born.

Daily Broadcast 12/07/2022 – Wednesday

It’s the Christmas season and we are talking Hymn Stories again! David and Barbara Leeman have a new book Our Hymns, Our Heritage. It’s a great book to use for devotions the season. John Piper has our sermon this week. He’s preaching on the virgin birth in his sermon The Child to Be Born.

Daily Broadcast 12/06/2022 – Tuesday

It’s the Christmas season and we are talking Hymn Stories again! David and Barbara Leeman have a new book Our Hymns, Our Heritage. It’s a great book to use for devotions the season. John Piper has our sermon this week. He’s preaching on the virgin birth in his sermon The Child to Be Born.

Daily Broadcast 12/05/2022 – Monday

It’s the Christmas season and we are talking Hymn Stories again! David and Barbara Leeman have a new book Our Hymns, Our Heritage. It’s a great book to use for devotions the season. John Piper has our sermon this week. He’s preaching on the virgin birth in his sermon The Child to Be Born.

Daily Broadcast 12/03/2022 – Weekend

It’s the Christmas season and we are talking Hymn Stories again! David and Barbara Leeman have a new book Our Hymns, Our Heritage. It’s a great book to use for devotions the season. John Piper has our sermon this week. He’s preaching on the virgin birth in his sermon The Child to Be Born.

Daily Broadcast 12/02/2022 – Friday

Adam sat down with Marty Machowski to talk about his unique advent devotional, The Light Before Christmas. You should check it out. Colin Smith teaches a message Answering Zacharias.

Daily Broadcast 12/01/2022 – Thursday

Adam sat down with Marty Machowski to talk about his unique advent devotional, The Light Before Christmas. You should check it out. Colin Smith teaches a message Answering Zacharias.