Barnabas Piper – Belong: Loving Your Church

Adam Miller sat down with Barnabas Piper via Zoom to talk about his latest book, Belong: Loving Your Church by Reflecting Christ to One Another. Long title but great read. They really get into what belonging to a church is all about and what it isn’t. the later being what many of us are gaging […]

Holy Hygge? Adam talks to Jamie Erickson about what it is.

Adam sits down with Jamie Erickson and talks about the popular Danish practice of Hygge with the deep, theological truths of the gospel. She unpacks the seven tenets of hygge: hospitality, relationships, well-being, atmosphere, comfort, contentment, and rest. In addition, Erickson shows how the external veneer of a lifestyle can create a life-giving home only […]

Talking About Your Prayer Life with Tim Chester

On todays show Tim Chester is talking about prayers we can use from the Puritans of the past. Adam asked Tim, a regular face on our show to stop back by to talk about his book Into His Presence, Praying with the Puritans. It’s a great book and a great conversation to get you started […]

David Murray – Luke: Stories of Mission and Mercy

Our interview for this weeks podcast is with David Murray. His book, Luke – Stories of Mission and Mercy is a great devotional. I loved the first line of the description of the book. “If you want to change your story, you need to know God’s story.” He and Adam went into this on the […]

Are We There Yet? Nope. Home Heaven and the New Earth

In Todays episode we are talking about a subject we all want to know about. Just not first hand. Not yet anyway. Elyse Fitzpatrick has a book out called Home: How Heaven and the New Earth Satisfy Our Deepest Longings. Adam interviewed Elyse several years ago and loved it so much that he did it […]

Bob Lepine – The Four Emotions of Christmas

In this episode we have a real treat. Christian radio veteran Bob Lepine is on the show! He and Adam are talking about Bob’s new book The four Emotions of Christmas. It’s a great little book to give out at Christmas. Even to your unsaved friends. If you would like a copy call the office […]