Sebastian Traeger – The Gospel At Work

A big question that comes up for many is how can I serve God in my day to day life and on my job. Adam interviewed Sebastian Traeger to talk about this very issue. Sebastian has a book out called  The Gospel At Work. Here’s a few this they talk about in the book and […]

Randy Newman – Mere Evangelism

“Randy Newman was a great interview”. Adam Miller Adam had a great time talking to Randy about his book. Evangelism can seem daunting. but Randy gives great advice to take the pressure off. Check out his book Mere Evangelism. It’s a good read. Here’s a bit about the book: Evangelism is an extraordinary task; it’s […]

Carl Lafterton – Easter Uncut

Adam called up Carl Lafterton from the Good Book Company to talk about Easter, Carls books, and mostly how to look at Easter and the gift that it is.

Will Walker and Kendal Haug – Journey to the Cross

Adam, Will, and Kendal had a great discussion about Lent. Their book Journey to the Cross serves as a combined liturgical guide and devotional—presenting a call to worship, confessional, gospel reading, and daily devotional with application. This compact devotional guide meets the needs of Christians who want to prepare their hearts for Easter but don’t […]

Iain Duguid – The Whole Armor of God

Iain Duguid has a new book out and Adam sat down with him to talk about it. Here’s a bit about the book. The Christian life is a battle. We are in a daily struggle against the world, sin, and Satan. But God didn’t leave us to fend for ourselves. He gave us his own […]

Mark Jones – God Is

Adam talks to Mark Jones in this episode. Mark is a Pastor and author of the book God Is. They dig into the attributes of God. God has revealed many things about himself in his Word. But God’s manifold attributes shine most clearly in his Son, Jesus Christ, who came to reveal his Father. Through […]

Cheryl Marshall, Caroline Newheiser – When Words Matter Most

Adam sat down with Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser to talk about their new book. It was a very encouraging conversation. They talked about how we really need to watch what we say and how we say it. Here’s a bit about the book. In When Words Matter Most, Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser help […]