Steph Williams – The Christmas Surprise

Adam said he is going to give Steph an award for the shortest book he has ever interviews for. Steph’s book The Christmas Surprise is an awesome little book for kids. If you are looking for a great Christmas book for the little ones give us a call. Our engineer here at Songtime has a […]

David and Barbara Leeman – Our Hymns, Our Heritage

Adam sat down with David and Barbara Leeman to talk about their book Our Hymns, Our Heritage. If you have ever gotten one of our Songtime Christmas cards you know that Hymn Stories are a big deal around here. This book is filled with them. Check out the podcast to hear what they had to […]

Marty Machowski – The Light Before Christmas

Marty Machowski’s new advent book The Light Before Christmas is a great book for your families Advent reading this year. it is written for the whole family to enjoy. In this podcast Adam takes a deep dive into the book with Marty. Marty has a fun take on how to do Advent.

Thomas Schreiner – Run to Win the Prize

Adam sat down with Thomas Schreiner to talk about perseverance. Thomas has a book out that covers the doctrine of perseverance and challenges and assurances. Run to Win the Prize will make you think. and so will this Podcast.

Todd Nettleton Voice of the Marytrs Fall Update

Todd is back on the podcast! we always love it when Todd is on to tell us what is going on with the persecuted church abroad. As always I’m sure he will have some great stories of what God is doing in and through them.

Erik Raymond – He Is Not Ashamed

Adam called up Erik Raymond. He is a fellow New Englander. They has a great discussion about his book He Is Not Ashamed, Erik takes us on a close look at the “family portrait” of God―filled with imperfect people throughout Scripture―and shows that God is not repelled by anyone’s shameful past, but delights to redeem […]

Seth Lewis – Dream Small

Adam talked to Seth Lewis in this installment. Seth’s book talks about finding our significance and meaning in our Creator. Not in achieving personal success, and making a big impact. But knowing our Creator, and the contentment that is found in discovering his purpose for our lives.

Ben Connelly – Reading the Bible, Missing the Gospel

It’s so easy to read the Bible and miss the meaning. Today Adam is talking with Ben Connelly about this very issue and how to overcome it. Ben’s book Reading the Bible, Missing the Gospel is a great place to start in overcoming this problem. So is the interview so take a listen.