Dont Skip Advent: To Everything There is a Season

We finally made it to December. It felt touch-and-go for a while. More than any other year, there might be a temptation to relax, to treat ourselves, or to let ourselves go upon reflection of the many difficulties and trials that occurred. There are times when this is an appropriate and even recommended activity. We […]

Advent: The Gospel of Matthew | Jesus, the Christ

Part 1 of 5 Read: Matthew 1:1-17, Genesis 12:1-9, II Samuel 7:1-17 I have to make a confession. Before I got married, I wasn’t one to decorate for Christmas. I never actually celebrated Christmas at my own home. I would always travel to go and see my family, but the fact remains that I was […]

A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving | by Adam Miller

Read: Psalm 50, Luke 17:11-19 This year for Thanksgiving, I am approaching the holiday with a different frame of mind. I want to count my blessings, but in a year of so many disruptions and disappointments, I’m finding it a little more challenging to be grateful. Instead of simply giving things for the few highlights […]

Humility | Micah 6:8, II Chronicles 7:14, John 13:1-17

Read: Micah 6:8, II Chronicles 7:14, John 13:1-17 This year has been…unusual. Therefore, in anticipation of celebrating Thanksgiving, I want to encourage you to consider what you are giving thanks for this year. Are we grateful despite the circumstances, or have we matured enough this year to give thanks to God for the challenges that […]

The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases by Micah Lovell

As all eyes turn toward the changing seasons, the colder temperatures, the shorter days and longer nights, an inevitable feeling of gloom comes upon me. The day we “Fall Back” is possibly my least favorite calendar day of the year. Carrying a step ladder around my house, I sigh as I step up to reach […]

I’ve Given Up, and So Should You – Adam Miller

This year has been difficult and I’m ready to throw in the towel. Now, I enjoy a good challenge from time to time, but some hardships are too much to handle and can’t be fixed. The more I try, the more frustrating it gets.  However, I have to admit that I was ready to give […]

A Vision of the New Heaven and New Earth | Revelation 21-22

Series: Will the Church Be on the Right Side of History? Part 9/9 Read: Revelation 21-22, John 14:1-14 Have you ever imagined what heaven will be like? We, like our culture, are fascinated by this subject. Heaven has been depicted in every artistic form. Books on the subject are always at the top of our […]

A Vision of the Final Judgement | Revelation 20

Part 8/9 Series: Will the Church Be On the Right Side of History Read: Revelation 20, Matthew 25:31-46, Romans 14:10, II Corinthians 5:10 Warning: you might want to open a window or turn on the AC while reading this sermon manuscript. We are going to be talking about fire and brimstone. Teaching through the Book […]

A Vision of the Final Battle | Revelation 17-19

Part 7/9 Series: Will the Church Be On the Right Side of History Read: Revelation 17-19, Matthew 24 I have to admit that I am a major movie buff. I like a really well made film, especially one that can subvert my expectations and surprise me. Something essential in every good story is the climax. […]

A Vision of the Wrath of God Poured Out | Revelation 15-16

Part 6/9 Series: Will the Church Be On the Right Side of History?  Read: Revelation 15-16, Exodus 15:1-21 Should we rejoice in the death of our enemies? Can we worship God for His Judgment? Is His wrath something we should celebrate? Is there any good news when God is angry? Hold those questions as we […]

A Vision of A Woman, A Dragon, and A Baby | Revelation 12-14

Part 5/9 Series: Revelation | Will the Church Be on the Right Side of History? Read: Revelation 12-14, Genesis 3 If you had to guess, what sort of foothold would you suspect the devil has in your life? What would he use if he were to attempt a full out assault on you and your […]

sunset over water

The Intrinsic Glory of God by Dr. Steven Lawson

When we speak of God’s glory, we mean, first, what has been called His ‘intrinsic glory,” which is the sum total of the greatness of His divine being. It is all that God is, the whole of all of His attributes. In this sense, we do not give God glory. We cannot add to His […]