The World Has Changed. Our Message Must Not by Rebecca Manley Pippert

Two years ago, we returned to live in America, and I was interviewed on a national radio show which included a phone-in Q&A session. The producer said before my interview, “Becky, I know you and your husband have done evangelism ministry all over the world, and that recently you have lived and ministered in Europe. […]

How Your Treasures Control the Desires of Your Heart by Adam Miller

Read: Matthew 5-7 Do you want to be more like Christ? The question seems pretty straightforward. I’m sure you would answer, “Yes!” But if we are honest, we have to admit that we struggle with our sanctification. Sure, you want to be better witnesses, but when is the last time you actually shared your faith? […]

The Gospel of the Kingdom and the Beatitudes 

Series: This Way to the Kingdom of Heaven Read: Matthew 4:23-5:12 On my second trip to Israel, I decided to break away from my group when they were going down to the Dead Sea so that I could have a day to myself in the inner city of Jerusalem. It was a friday, so as […]

Follow Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men

Series: Jesus in the Wilderness Read: Matthew 4:18-22 One of my favorite things to do as a kid was to go on vacation to my Grandpa’s in Shady Valley, Tennessee. He had a pond in his backyard and we used to go fishing. Now, I have never been commercial fishing or even sport fishing, but […]

Follow Me, And I Will Make You Fishers of Men by Dr. Larry Moyer

Read: Matthew 4:18-22 Acknowledging Christ as Savior means coming to Him as a sinner, recognizing He took my punishment on a cross, and trusting Him alone as my only way to heaven. Discipleship is a growing experience in which I surrender myself to His will, walk in obedience to Him, and allow Him to use […]

Answering Critical Questions: Why Did Jesus Fast for 40 Days by Micah Lovell

Read: Matthew 4:1-11 The number 40 is used frequently in biblical narratives, especially in the Old Testament. In Genesis 7, the rains fall on the earth for 40 days and nights while Noah and his family wait within the ark. In the book of Jonah, the prophet, fresh from his own deliverance from the belly […]

The People Dwelling in Darkness Have Seen A Great Light by Adam Miller

Read: Matthew 4:12-17 During my first trip to Israel, I was able to visit the mountains of the Golan Heights surrounding Galilee. I was standing on the top of one of the highest points, looking down into the United Nations’ Demilitarized Zone when I heard what sounded like thunder. I was excited at first. I […]

The Baptism of Jesus

Series: Jesus in the Wilderness Read: Matthew 3:13-17 In the Baptist conviction in which I was raised, it was important for individuals to approach baptism as an individual decision to make a public proclamation of one’s faith. My problem, however, was that I was incredibly shy. I remember when my mom came and got me […]

Answering Crucial Questions: Why Did Jesus Need to be Baptized?

Read: Matthew 3:13-17 It is well known that the four Gospel writers each chose to highlight different aspects of Christ’s ministry. Often we find them recounting the same event in a very similar way. Occasionally, we find slight variance of expression due to the different perspective that each writer or eyewitness may have had of […]

John the Baptist, Preparing the Way of the Lord 

Series: Jesus in the Wilderness Read: Matthew 3:1-12 John the Baptist must have been a strange sight to behold. He dressed in an outfit made from camel’s hair tied together with a leather belt and ate locusts and wild honey. If you know anything about me, then you know that I like to grow my […]