Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath by Adam Miller

Read: Luke 6:1-11 When we look at Jesus’ central message, particularly in the Gospel of Luke, it initially comes across as a bit harsh, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). It’s not what we typically think of in a gospel […]

A Gospel Refresher: Planning Ahead for the Holidays by Adam Miller

Read I Corinthians 15 With the holidays fast approaching, it is prime time to discuss how we are going to approach our friends and family with the gospel. We all have someone that we have been praying for to be saved, but even if we have tried to witness to them in the past, it […]

Living and Walking in the Spirit by Adam Miller

Read: Galatians Have you ever struggled to understand the relationship between faith and good works? You’re not alone. In fact, it is a problem that has plagued believers since the beginning of time.  This is the issue at the core of Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia. Certain individuals, claiming to be Jewish followers […]

Ashamed Sinner, Unashamed Savior by Erik Raymond

I think it’s common—and it’s common because it’s natural—to think that when we sin and we’ve done something wrong, that we incur guilt and that God’s not pleased with us. We have a conscience. God made us that way. We have minds informed by the Word of God and we know who God is. We […]

How Real Christian Change Happens by Timothy Keller

How do we change and grow as Christians? In the same way we became Christians. That’s why in Galatians 3:1-3, Paul reminds the Galatian Christians how it was that they came to Christ. And in essence, “Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified” (v. 1). This portrayal was achieved through preaching, through “what you heard” […]

Cultivating Holy Anger by Adam Miller

Read: Psalm 83 When I was in college, I had a roommate who enjoyed listening to angry rock music. After he had become a Christian, he sought out an alternative Christian version of the same genre. Believe it or not, there is such a thing. Imagine listening to the lyrics from “Amazing Grace” sung with […]


Read: Psalm 73 I was twenty-one. I had taken a year off between my sophomore and junior year of college to serve on a ministry team. It was a singing group. We traveled throughout the United States calling people to commit their lives into Christian service. But there was a problem: I wasn’t sure I […]

A Report on the Definitions Conference: Train Up A Child

On Saturday, May 14, 2022, we partnered with a local Christian School on Cape Cod, Trinity Christian Academy, to host a Definitions Conference based on Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” It was the first warm day of […]

Abraham’s Steps of Faith by Adam Miller

The children in our church love to sing the song, “Father Abraham.” They like it because of all of the silly motions. It’s like a Christian version of the “Hokey Pokey.” I like it because it teaches a crucial doctrine: we are the offspring of Abraham, not by direct physical lineage, but as heirs of […]

Train Up A Child Conference Sessions Now Online

Our Definitions Train Up A Child Conference was amazing. We had a packed house and great speakers. If you missed the conference it’s not too late. The audio from all the sessions is now available on our website. Just click the link below. The video from the sessions will also be posted soon if you […]