I have little doubt that the single greatest obstacle to the impact of the Gospel has not been its inability to provide answers, but the failure on the part of Christians to live it out. I remember well in the early days of my Christian faith talking to a close Hindu friend. He was questioning […]
Category Archives: Articles
Motivation to Witness: Living Out Our Faith by Adam Miller
With so much of New England and the Northeast under 3% evangelical, it can be disheartening to think that Christianity is on the decline and has lost its influential power. This has caused many Christians to lose heart and give up on sharing their faith. It has gotten to the point that whenever Christianity […]
Motivation to Witness: Loving God by Adam Miller
If you know anything about me, you are probably aware that every week I drive 20 minutes to a local deli for their Thursday lunch special, a prime rib sandwich. It’s one of my favorite simple pleasures. I’ve talked about it on the radio, I’ve posted pictures on social media, and I’ve treated my friends […]
Why Love Compels Us to Expose False Gospels by David Burnette
For many in our culture, religion and moral values have become like soft drinks. I prefer Coke, you prefer Mountain Dew, but in the end, neither of us is wrong. We’re talking about tastes, after all. Similarly, when it comes to religion, every person has his or her own personal preferences, but who’s to say […]
The Finished Work of Christ – Past, Future, and Present
As the things of earth go, two of my great interests are history and science fiction. In any given history class, no matter how long ago an event happened, there is a moment where the thing being talked about shows it’s connection to the present day. We see a figure that appears to be perfectly […]
Motivation to Witness: Knowing the Gospel by Adam Miller
Growing up as a pastor’s kid and having been saved at the age of six, I was pleasantly surprised when a Christian started to witness to me during my seminary years. I thought it would be fun to play along, so I let him try to convert me. He started off with a typical presentation. […]
A Faithful Witness by Adam Miller
You’ve seen this scenario before. A rookie athlete wins a championship game and is interviewed by a reporter about who he’d like to thank. What does he say, “I love you mom!” This isn’t unwarranted. A mother captures the heart and love of their child. Caught up in the elation of the moment, the boy […]
The Laws of Parenting by Dr. John DeBrine
<Originally published: June, 1995> In 1967, a young Billy Graham shared a moving account of a businessman who fell on his knees at his workplace and accepted the Lord as his Savior. In his classic sermon, “The Home,” Graham pointed out that what had reached that man’s heart was the sight of his tiny son […]
3 Ways to Make Mother’s Day A Witness for Christ by Adam Miller
Ephesians 4:1 tells us to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called. We are all called to be followers of Christ, but being a mother is one of the greatest callings in life. Mothers shape the worldview of their children and it is through their example that they […]
Rising to the Challenge of Evangelism Today by Rebecca Manley Pippert
I recently had a lively conversation with a woman next to me on a flight. “Listen,” she said, “if I want to be a man on Monday and a woman on Wednesday—who cares? Gender identity is simply a matter of personal preference.” She said she believed in the essential goodness of human nature, so I asked how […]
Unbelievers Are Not Always What They Say They Are by Dr. Larry Moyer
It’s very easy to categorize people or assign a particular label to them. If an unbeliever tells us that he is an atheist or agnostic, we sometimes too quickly assume that that is what he is. Forty-five years in evangelism has taught me that people are not always what they say they are, and I […]
Motivated To Witness
Do you find it difficult to share your faith or overwhelming to think about evangelism? You don’t have to be compelled to talk about the things that you love. Join us for a dinner and message with Adam Miller, President and Host of Songtime Radio, as he shares how knowing the gospel, loving Christ, and […]