Am I Really A Christian? | Interview with Mike McKinley

Are you really a Christian?You may think you are, but you may not be. After all, Jesus himself said that some people will do seemingly “Christian” things in his name but will not truly know him. Or maybe you know you are not a Christian and you wonder what it really means to be one.To […]

Marriage and Football

Feeling tired after the game last night? Did you party too late and now you’re falling asleep in the middle of the day? Well we have something that might cheer you up. Joe McGee is a marriage counselor. He also has some funny stories about the differences between how men and woman communicate.  If you […]

Homeschooling Humor

Michael Jr. is a christian comedian, and we thought we would start off your Monday with a little humor. A little background on our staff here at Songtime: three of us were homeschooled growing up, and we thought this video was hilarious! We hope you enjoy this bit.   If you missed this Monday’s broadcast , […]

Songs For Saplings: Interview with Dana Dirksen

Songs for Saplings is a non-profit organization that is providing music that clearly communicates Scripture and its rich truths in clear, memorable, and very enjoyable ways.The music was written by Dana Dirksen. Her initial goal was to help her children understand and memorize Scripture. Over time, the projects grew and Dana has completed eight albums, […]

Dig Deeper: Interview with Nigel Beynon

About Dig DeeperWhen it comes to reading and understanding the Bible, a dangerous phrase is used by non-Christians and even some believers: “Well, that’s your interpretation.” It is true that without some care in your interpretation, you can “make” the Bible say almost anything. Dig Deeper is written out of the conviction that there is […]

A Case For Corporate Prayer Meetings (And Practical Tips) By Adam Miller

As a pastor’s kid, I was at the Church whenever the doors were opened. That meant Sunday School, Sunday morning, Sunday night, and of course the midweek prayer meeting. I dreaded the prayer meeting. Except for a short time of prayer at the end, it was just like any other service–a few hymns and a […]

Worship Includes Praying By Dr. Donald Hubbard

In Luke 18:10, Jesus tells a parable about two men who went up to the temple to pray. Prayer is to be a part of worship. Paul wrote to Timothy that the priority for the church in Ephesus was to pray (I Timothy 2:1, 6). In Matthew 6, Jesus indicated that prayer is a key […]

Wrong Worship

We thought we would share with you this video Adam played on the program today. This is most definitely how NOT to prepare our hearts for worship. If you learn one thing from this video, I hope the lesson is that this is intended to be humorous, but also bring up a great discussion: How […]

Grace Untamed

God’s grace liberates us. When we live under grace, we are free to risk and dream and love. But most of us still define our identity by what we do rather than who we are as sons and daughters of the King.Containing 60 daily devotions written by some of the leading Christian voices of our […]

For the Glory of God

Current discussions about worship are often driven by pragmatics and personal preferences rather than by the teaching of Scripture. True worship, however, is our response to God’s gracious revelation; in order to be acceptable to God, worship must be experienced on God’s terms.Respected Old Testament scholar Daniel Block examines worship in the Bible, offering a […]

The Gospel Of The Kingdom Is Like An Old Hymn By Jared C. Wilson

The gospel is an old hymn. The gospel is sheet music printed in antiquarian typeface on a yellowed page in a dusty book. It’s the “old, old story” and the “old rugged cross.” It is four verses—and please don’t skip the third verse to expedite the invitation! The gospel is an invitation to a bygone […]

What Does God Desire From Us? By Adam Miller

When we talk about worship, we often paint ourselves into a corner and relegate the topic of conversation to music. This results in even less constructive conversations about style and preference, traditions and pragmatism, but it hardly ever begins with the premise of asking God what He wants. If we were to read through the […]