Steve Amerson | Amerson Music Ministries

“America’s Tenor” On a normal Sunday, one can find Steve singing in a church someplace in North America and on many Mondays he will be in the studio singing for a movie or television show or singing about the qualities of a certain automobile or airline for a commercial.  To some it might seem strange, […]

Food For Worship: Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs By Adam Miller

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16 (NKJV)Worship is like a buffet. There are many options available. We come to worship, we fill up our plate, we […]

Dámaris Carbaugh | Christian Artist & Public Speaker

“I’ve always been deeply blessed by the ministry of Damaris Carbaugh, not just by the words she sings but by how deeply she feels them! Her music always points us beyond ourselves to Christ, who is the focus of her life and ministry. Let her bless you with her songs of inspiration and hope!”  — Dr. […]

David Murray | Author of “Jesus On Every Page”

“Discover Jesus Throughout the Old Testament!” The son trudges uphill, bearing wood for his own sacrifice; his father has decided to give him up to death. What biblical event does this bring to mind? Is it Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22, or Christ’s passion in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? The […]

Released to Tell Others

Name | Sara, Iran As a teenager, Sara was an Islamist prayer warrior, a Basiji—a member of a grass-roots Islamic volunteer group that answered to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. When she prayed in school, all the other girls always expected her to lead them. She fasted so long one time that she wound up in the hospital. […]

After The Bomb Came The Angels

Name | Khalida, Pakistan On a September morning, Khalida Marriam, eight months pregnant with a baby boy, went to All Saints Church in the old quarter of Peshawar, Pakistan. As is customary, she left her shoes at the door and went inside to join her fellow believers in worship. No one sitting with her could have anticipated […]

Rising Above The Family Beatings

Name | Nadia and Rachel, Pakistan Whenever eleven-year-old Nadia walked by the neighborhood church, her parents’ admonition jolted her from curiosity. Their words waved a finger of warning in her mind: “Nadia, you are to ignore the infidels and their church. It is an affront to your Muslim faith.”Still, as she tugged her colorful headscarf around her […]

The Mother Behind Bars

Name | Asia Bibi, Pakistan Pausing from her work in the fields under the hot sun, Asia took a refreshing drink from the same spigot as the Muslim women. That’s when her persecution began.“Now it is contaminated, you infidel thief,” someone blurted out. “Your prophet was born without a father.”“Our Christ sacrificed his life on the cross […]

Excerpts From The Book “I Am N”

“A symbol to define a new level of commitment” Our monthly book offer is “I Am N” by Voice of the Martyrs. We will be posting excerpts from the book right here on the Songtime website. Be sure to check them out. If you would like a copy of this book, Songtime is giving them […]

Jimmy Dodd | Author of “Survive or Thrive”

“Every month 1,500 pastors burn out and leave the church. Learn how to beat the odds.” The majority of pastors are not truly known—by anyone. They subconsciously isolate themselves from both staff and congregation so their insecurities, doubts, and failures aren’t exposed. Yet confiding in the wrong person can be a dead end at best […]

Stuart Briscoe | Author of “Getting Into God”

“To believe in God starts with a conclusion about Him, develops into confidence in Him, and then matures into a conversation with Him.” – Stuart Briscoe Getting into God is a spiritually practical guide that will build you up and encourage you to press on in your relationship with the Lord. Stuart will counsel you […]

Joel Kilpatrick of Christian Satire Website “Lark News”

“I always loved humor, but the popularity of LarkNews surprised me,” he says. “I didn’t realize how much God and other people like funny stuff. I launched it as a hobby and it promptly consumed my career.” Joel Kilpatrick is the founder of and after earning two bachelor’s degrees summa cum laude at U.C. Davis in […]