A Vision of the Final Judgement | Revelation 20

Part 8/9 Series: Will the Church Be On the Right Side of History Read: Revelation 20, Matthew 25:31-46, Romans 14:10, II Corinthians 5:10 Warning: you might want to open a window or turn on the AC while reading this sermon manuscript. We are going to be talking about fire and brimstone. Teaching through the Book […]

A Vision of the Final Battle | Revelation 17-19

Part 7/9 Series: Will the Church Be On the Right Side of History Read: Revelation 17-19, Matthew 24 I have to admit that I am a major movie buff. I like a really well made film, especially one that can subvert my expectations and surprise me. Something essential in every good story is the climax. […]

A Vision of the Wrath of God Poured Out | Revelation 15-16

Part 6/9 Series: Will the Church Be On the Right Side of History?  Read: Revelation 15-16, Exodus 15:1-21 Should we rejoice in the death of our enemies? Can we worship God for His Judgment? Is His wrath something we should celebrate? Is there any good news when God is angry? Hold those questions as we […]

A Vision of A Woman, A Dragon, and A Baby | Revelation 12-14

Part 5/9 Series: Revelation | Will the Church Be on the Right Side of History? Read: Revelation 12-14, Genesis 3 If you had to guess, what sort of foothold would you suspect the devil has in your life? What would he use if he were to attempt a full out assault on you and your […]

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The Intrinsic Glory of God by Dr. Steven Lawson

When we speak of God’s glory, we mean, first, what has been called His ‘intrinsic glory,” which is the sum total of the greatness of His divine being. It is all that God is, the whole of all of His attributes. In this sense, we do not give God glory. We cannot add to His […]

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Will the Church Be On the Right Side of History? by Adam Miller

Statistics show that the Church in the West is in decline. European nations are quickly becoming unreached people groups. New England is already being labeled post-Christian, and the rest of the United States is following in a downward trajectory. Furthermore, Christians are being singled out as the problem in our society. Our views on morality […]

A Vision of the Great Tribulation | Revelation 6-11

Part 4/9 Series: Revelation | Will the Church Be on the Right Side of History? Read: Revelation 6-11, Exodus 10:1-20 The esteemed Dr. Charles Ryrie was my professor of Eschatology, the study of future events, in Bible college. When it came time for him to teach on the Great Tribulation, he would lay down on […]

A Vision of the Throne Room in Heaven | Revelation 4-5

Part 3/8 Series: Revelation | Will the Church Be on the Right Side of History? Read: Revelation 4-5 , John 1:1-18, Matthew 21:33-46 Heaven has captured the world’s imagination from the beginning of time. Books written about it have topped the bestselling charts ever since they started tracking that sort of thing. I have to […]

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In Christ, You Are A New Creation by Adam Miller

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” II Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) The very first words of the Bible show the God who created all things. The rest of Scripture echoes this truth by reiterating that you are fearfully and wonderfully made […]

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Why Study the Book of Revelation? by Stephen Witmer

Editor’s Note: For the next two months we will be studying the book of Revelation on the radio, in interviews, and in writing. Be sure to tune in or visit us online to follow along. There’s an old expression, Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. It means we’re usually unwise to offend someone who […]

He Pulls Me From The Pit | Psalm 40 | Adam Miller

Read: Psalm 40 Read: Romans 8:18-30 It’s always sad to see the summer come to an end. It seems to go by so quickly. The fall is actually my favorite season, but even I feel a little bit disappointed that I didn’t get to do everything I had wanted to during the summer. But the […]