Often our practical view of sanctification, discipleship, and counseling posits a monochromatic answer and takes the short view. If you memorize and call to mind one special Bible verse, will it clean up all the mess? Will the right kind of prayer life drive all the darkness away? Will remembering that you are a child […]
Category Archives: Front Page
Starting Point: Conversion to Conviction, Redemption to Obedience by Micah Lovell
Obedience is difficult. Certainly, there are some people significantly more inclined toward obedience than others, but for the most part, obedience seems to run counter to the arc of human history that has led us to where we are today. Disobedience of a clear command is how our first parents lost Paradise in Genesis 3. […]
Follow Me As I Follow Christ by Adam Miller
“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” This is going to be an exciting year for me. As we delve into the theme of discipleship, I can already see areas where it will personally intersect with my life. In less than five months I will forever be joined to another human being as […]
Giving Tuesday
Please consider making a donation to Songtime during our end-of-the-year campaign. Over one-third of our yearly donations, necessary for the furtherance of our ministry, come in during the final few weeks of the year. Your contribution assures that we will continue to articulate the gospel every day on the radio throughout New England and the […]
Evangelism: More Impossible Than It Used To Be by Randy Newman
I’ve noticed some changes in Christians’ attitudes and motivations in evangelism over the years. A while ago, many Christians evangelized out of guilt. They felt so bad that they hadn’t told their friends about Jesus that they just had to “get it off their chests.” This was not ideal. Then, for a while, we proclaimed […]
An Invitation to Witness by Adam Miller
I love my mom. Because I love her, I know how she feels appreciated. She likes acts of service and every once in a while I try to surprise her by doing something nice. While I’m visiting them on vacation I might do a few chores around the house without being asked. I won’t even […]
The Fields Are White For Harvest, Even When You See Few Conversions by Dr. Donald Whitney
When you see few, if any, conversions in your place of ministry, it can be hard to believe that what Jesus said in John 4:35 is true. In that verse He said to His disciples, “Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your […]
Here Am I, Send Me by Adam Miller
I remember when I first encountered the realization of who God is and what He had done for me. I was only a little kid, but having grown up in church my whole life and sitting through hundreds of stories about the love of God, I had assumed that God loved me and never questioned […]
The Apologist’s First Question by Ravi Zacharias
I have little doubt that the single greatest obstacle to the impact of the Gospel has not been its inability to provide answers, but the failure on the part of Christians to live it out. I remember well in the early days of my Christian faith talking to a close Hindu friend. He was questioning […]
Motivation to Witness: Living Out Our Faith by Adam Miller
With so much of New England and the Northeast under 3% evangelical, it can be disheartening to think that Christianity is on the decline and has lost its influential power. This has caused many Christians to lose heart and give up on sharing their faith. It has gotten to the point that whenever Christianity […]
Motivation to Witness: Loving God by Adam Miller
If you know anything about me, you are probably aware that every week I drive 20 minutes to a local deli for their Thursday lunch special, a prime rib sandwich. It’s one of my favorite simple pleasures. I’ve talked about it on the radio, I’ve posted pictures on social media, and I’ve treated my friends […]
Why Love Compels Us to Expose False Gospels by David Burnette
For many in our culture, religion and moral values have become like soft drinks. I prefer Coke, you prefer Mountain Dew, but in the end, neither of us is wrong. We’re talking about tastes, after all. Similarly, when it comes to religion, every person has his or her own personal preferences, but who’s to say […]