Matthew 26:1-5, 14-16; Mark 14:1-2, 10-11; Luke 22:1-6; John 11:45-57, 12:9-10 The Gospels give us very little detail to the events of the fourth day of Passover. We know that Jesus made his trek back into Jerusalem and continued to teach, which further infuriated the Pharisees. That night they gathered together in secret and plotted how they could kill Him, […]
Category Archives: Front Page
Tuesday: The Withered Tree By Adam Miller
Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:20-25 When Jesus headed back into Jerusalem from Bethany for the third day of the Passover week, His disciples noticedsomething important. The fig tree that Jesus had cursed the day before had noticeably withered up and died. Mark tells the story of these three days in one fell swoop making clear connections between the palm branches […]
Monday: The Cleaning of the Temple By Adam Miller
Matthew 21:12-17; Mark 11:12-19; Luke 19:41-48; John 2:13-22 On the following day, as Jesus was approaching Jerusalem, He was hungry and saw a fig tree. The text in Mark tells us that it was not the season for figs, but it would probably be better translated that it was not the season for harvesting figs. The tree should have been full of fruit. […]
Palm Sunday: The Triumphal Entry By Adam Miller
Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19 After Jesus was baptized and began His earthly ministry, it only took Him three years to become a celebrity. In the first day of the week before He died, He arrives in the city of Jerusalem to a highly anticipatory crowd.This would have been the most crowded Jerusalem […]
Scheduled website Maintenance
Our website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on Saturday the 19th. It will go off line at 9:00 pm. It should be back up on Sunday afternoon if not sooner. Thank you for your patience. Your Friends at Songtime
Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? By Bobby Conway
Editor’s note: The credibility of the Christian faith has been brought into question since before the birth of the Church at Pentecost. For over 2000 years opponents of Christianity have done everything they could think of to discredit the truth about Jesus. Today, the tactics for attacking Christianity have changed. Instead of denying Christ they […]
Matt & Cathy Boyle -Hello Summer J1
This week Adam is talking to Matt & Cathy Boyle from Hello Summer J1 Ministry It is a program reaching foreign students that come to the U.S. on the J1 student work visa for the summer.Learn more about this great ministry at:
LTJA: The One Who Conquers Death By Adam Miller
Have you ever had a life- threatening moment where you thought you were about to die? I have. When I was in high school I was working at a Christian camp, cleaning up debris after a major thunderstorm. We had loaded a small truck with the remnants of a dead tree that had been struck […]
Voice Of the Martyrs -Todd Nettleton
Today and all next week Adam is talking to To Todd Nettleton. He is the Director of Media and Public Relations for The Voice of the Martyrs and host of VOM Radio. Todd serves as a voice for persecuted Christians, working with the media to tell people in the United States about the faithfulness of Christ’s […]
A Review of The Film Risen By Adam Miller
Ever since seeing the movie Ben Hur when I was a kid, I was fascinated with the idea of telling the stories behind the scenes in biblical times. It has driven my imaginations as I’ve read through the gospels and imagined what happened to some of the people Jesus healed and particularly what happened to […]
The Game of Life
If you heard the classic Game of Life segment on our weekend broadcast and would like to here the whole piece you can! Click here and go to the archive and look for the February 6th broadcast.
Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God
Today we sit down with Adam Fransico, Professor of Historical Theology at Concordea Seminary to talk about the question Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God. We discuss the origins of the question and how to respond to it. If you would like to hear the whole interview you can check out our podcast here.