
3 Ways to Make Mother’s Day A Witness for Christ by Adam Miller

Ephesians 4:1 tells us to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called. We are all called to be followers of Christ, but being a mother is one of the greatest callings in life. Mothers shape the worldview of their children and it is through their example that they […]

Rising to the Challenge of Evangelism Today by Rebecca Manley Pippert

Rising to the Challenge of Evangelism Today by Rebecca Manley Pippert

I recently had a lively conversation with a woman next to me on a flight. “Listen,” she said, “if I want to be a man on Monday and a woman on Wednesday—who cares? Gender identity is simply a matter of personal preference.” She said she believed in the essential goodness of human nature, so I asked how […]

Unbelievers Are Not Always What They Say They Are by Dr. Larry Moyer

Unbelievers Are Not Always What They Say They Are by Dr. Larry Moyer

It’s very easy to categorize people or assign a particular label to them. If an unbeliever tells us that he is an atheist or agnostic, we sometimes too quickly assume that that is what he is. Forty-five years in evangelism has taught me that people are not always what they say they are, and I […]


Let the Redeemed of the LORD Say So by Adam Miller

Psalm 107 begins with a common phrase in the Old Testament, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!” For the believer, this is a call to worship God for all of His loving blessings, but sometimes, when we find ourselves in times of trouble, we forget the […]

Forty Days of Identity with Christ by Micah Lovell

So much of the Christian faith is tied to the concept of identity. Though we have been given our individual identities by our Creator, we are often reminded that we are weak and in desperate need of assistance that must come from outside ourselves. Once we come to recognize that we are fallen and that […]

Sharing Jesus In A Hostile World by Adam Miller

It can be easy to talk about the things we love. If you want to see me light up, just ask me about my nieces and nephews. But you might not be as excited to hear me talk about some of my pet peeves. Just because we are passionate about something does not mean that […]

In The Wilderness by Michael Card

“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And when He came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my beloved Son; with […]

When Worship Leads to Witness by Adam Miller

Over the past several years we have been working through a strategic series of topics on the Christian faith. In 2015 we talked about the transforming power of the gospel in the life of a believer. We talked about preaching the gospel to ourselves and sharing that within our families and Christian communities as a […]

Music is Great, Jesus is Greater by Bob Kauflin

This past May, our youngest child, McKenzie, graduated from Boyce College with a degree in biblical studies, focusing on music and worship. After 4 1/2 years of study, persistence, practice, and dependence on God’s grace, she finally joined the ranks of those who have a college degree. In her final semester, she had to give […]

When My Cup Overflows by Adam Miller

Galatians 6:1-10 Have you ever played that game you often see at youth groups, where you fill a cup with water and pass it down a line of kids to pour in a bucket at the other end? I played a game like that with some international students visiting the Cape this past summer. It […]

Driving Convictions Behind Foreign Missions by John Piper

Editor’s Note: As we continue our year long study on the subject of worship, we will consider how our praise to God is tied into our global mission. This article from John Piper describes the vision we have for our ministry and why it is our desire to proclaim the love of God, so that […]

Worship Is…By Adam Miller

We have spent the entire year discussing the topic of “Worship.” Throughout this study we have discovered that worship is far more than simply the songs we sing before a sermon on Sunday. Here is just a brief synopsis of our study. Communion and Service From the very beginning, Adam’s worship of the Creator was […]