Sharing Jesus In A Hostile World by Adam Miller

It can be easy to talk about the things we love. If you want to see me light up, just ask me about my nieces and nephews. But you might not be as excited to hear me talk about some of my pet peeves. Just because we are passionate about something does not mean that […]

In The Wilderness by Michael Card

“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And when He came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my beloved Son; with […]

When Worship Leads to Witness by Adam Miller

Over the past several years we have been working through a strategic series of topics on the Christian faith. In 2015 we talked about the transforming power of the gospel in the life of a believer. We talked about preaching the gospel to ourselves and sharing that within our families and Christian communities as a […]

Music is Great, Jesus is Greater by Bob Kauflin

This past May, our youngest child, McKenzie, graduated from Boyce College with a degree in biblical studies, focusing on music and worship. After 4 1/2 years of study, persistence, practice, and dependence on God’s grace, she finally joined the ranks of those who have a college degree. In her final semester, she had to give […]

When My Cup Overflows by Adam Miller

Galatians 6:1-10 Have you ever played that game you often see at youth groups, where you fill a cup with water and pass it down a line of kids to pour in a bucket at the other end? I played a game like that with some international students visiting the Cape this past summer. It […]

Driving Convictions Behind Foreign Missions by John Piper

Editor’s Note: As we continue our year long study on the subject of worship, we will consider how our praise to God is tied into our global mission. This article from John Piper describes the vision we have for our ministry and why it is our desire to proclaim the love of God, so that […]

Worship Is…By Adam Miller

We have spent the entire year discussing the topic of “Worship.” Throughout this study we have discovered that worship is far more than simply the songs we sing before a sermon on Sunday. Here is just a brief synopsis of our study. Communion and Service From the very beginning, Adam’s worship of the Creator was […]

Worship Changes Our Perspective By Adam Miller

Book Three of the Psalms is unique. Starting with Psalm 73, we see a collection of songs that were written from the perspective of worship leaders. Different from some of the Psalms we sing today, the songs of Asaph, in particular, are somber and filled with disappointment. That is not particularly something you would associate […]

Why New England Is The New American Missional Frontier By Jared C. Wilson

Editor’s Note: After reading this article by Jared Wilson, previously posted on his blog at The Gospel Coalition, I was reminded of the challenges we have in serving New England and I was greatly encour- aged to see the call to action to consider our own backyard a mission field, fertile and ready for the […]

Showing Honor On Mother’s Day (Even When It’s Hard) By Jen Wilkin

 Mother’s Day is once again upon us, sending children of all ages scurrying to the greeting card aisle to find just the right sentiment to send to Mom. Mother’s Day touches all of us – though not all of us are mothers, all of us have a mother. It is true that the calendar date […]

A Gospel For Prodigals By Adam Miller

 Let me offer a theory I have based on personal experience: mothers are some of the most intense prayer warriors that anyone could ever hope to have. I never need to check the weather where I live. If there is ever any sign of a storm, my mother, who lives almost 300 miles away, will […]

Daily Readings for Holy Week by Andreas Köstenberger

Matthew 21PALM SUNDAY: JESUS ENTERS JERUSALEM (March 29, AD 33)Matt 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:28-44; John 12:12-19After three and a half years of public ministry, Jesus’ messianic activity is now reaching a major climax. As Jesus’ brothers had told Him earlier, anyone who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah must reveal Himself to be such […]