I’ve Given Up, and So Should You – Adam Miller

This year has been difficult and I’m ready to throw in the towel. Now, I enjoy a good challenge from time to time, but some hardships are too much to handle and can’t be fixed. The more I try, the more frustrating it gets.  However, I have to admit that I was ready to give […]

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The Intrinsic Glory of God by Dr. Steven Lawson

When we speak of God’s glory, we mean, first, what has been called His ‘intrinsic glory,” which is the sum total of the greatness of His divine being. It is all that God is, the whole of all of His attributes. In this sense, we do not give God glory. We cannot add to His […]

old church in field

Will the Church Be On the Right Side of History? by Adam Miller

Statistics show that the Church in the West is in decline. European nations are quickly becoming unreached people groups. New England is already being labeled post-Christian, and the rest of the United States is following in a downward trajectory. Furthermore, Christians are being singled out as the problem in our society. Our views on morality […]

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In Christ, You Are A New Creation by Adam Miller

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” II Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) The very first words of the Bible show the God who created all things. The rest of Scripture echoes this truth by reiterating that you are fearfully and wonderfully made […]

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Why Study the Book of Revelation? by Stephen Witmer

Editor’s Note: For the next two months we will be studying the book of Revelation on the radio, in interviews, and in writing. Be sure to tune in or visit us online to follow along. There’s an old expression, Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. It means we’re usually unwise to offend someone who […]

women praying

God Feels, So Should You by Courtney Reissig

I’ve always had a rocky relationship with my feelings. I’ve spent a lot of my adult life wrestling with these emotions that seem so potent and real, with a perception that to feel too deeply signified a lack of faith. Am I faithless when I ask God “how long”? Can I still say I trust […]

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This is a Gospel Issue! by Adam Miller

“This is a Gospel issue!” It’s a statement I’ve heard over and over again in the past few months. It’s not a new claim, but it does seem to be rising in our conversations as Christians try to position themselves to answer the fallout of the various crises plaguing our communities.  Whenever there is trouble, […]

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How Long, Oh Lord?: The Expectation Of Hope By Micah Lovell

For thousands of years, the book of Psalms has been one of the go-to locations for Christians in times of crisis. The ancients lived extremely difficult lives, enduring hardships that we take for granted in the modern day. But those of us living in the 21st century still endure hardships, though of a much different […]

Getting Back to a Heart of Worship by Adam Miller

The world has changed. How could it not? So many things have happened in such a short period of time. No one could have predicted the strange events if they had all happened in isolation from each other, but they all came at us at once and with such a force that knocked us off […]

10 Unforgettable Lessons on Fatherhood by Ray Ortlund Jr.

10 Unforgettable Lessons on Fatherhood by Ray Ortlund Jr.

In public, my dad was one of the great pastors of his generation. In private, my dad was the same man. There was only one Ray Ortlund, Sr. — an authentic Christian man. The distance between what I saw in the New Testament and what I saw in my dad was slight. He was the […]

What the World Needs Now, Is Love, God’s Love by Adam Miller

I vividly remember studying through the epistles of the Apostle John in my first year of Bible college. For such a short series of books, it evoked a lot of debate. The central theme is love. At the time, we were high minded intellectuals, fresh out of high school and still in our teenage years. […]


Gospel Hope For a Weary Mom by Sarah Walton

I rose before the sun and made my coffee, desperate for time in God’s Word before the day’s chaos erupted in my home. I was emotionally weary and physically exhausted, but was determined to start my day off with what I knew I needed most – time with the Lord. So I grabbed my Bible, […]