February Book Offer

The Whole Armor of God by Iain Duguid The Christian life is a battle. We are in a daily struggle against the world, sin, and Satan. But God didn’t leave us to fend for ourselves. He gave us His own armor—armor that Jesus has already worn on our behalf all the way to the cross. […]

Walking Out the Gospel by Adam Miller

The last several years have been life changing for me. I bought a house, I got married, and I became a pastor of a local church. It all happened in rapid succession. In the same regard, I’ve been afforded a lot of opportunities to grow.  To start, owning a house has taught me a great […]

ADOPTED BY GOD by James Burstow

“Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is the doctrine of adoption? The truth that not […]

Lessons for the Church, From the Pandemic by Adam Miller

The past two years have been a trying time for the church. While I am still optimistic that God is going to do great things through this experience, we cannot deny the negative effects this pandemic has had on the already difficult mission field of New England and the Northeast. Jesus said that He would […]

In Loving Memory…Memorializing John DeBrine

In Loving Memory…Memorializing John DeBrine Our beloved founder, Dr. John DeBrine, passed into glory peacefully during the night of March 3, 2021 at the age of 96. The memorial service for John was held on June 12, 2021. It was attended by many generations who were touched by his ministry throughout the years.  “Married to […]

What God Wants…A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving by Adam Miller

Read: Psalm 50 Being a Christian is not easy. There are a lot of requirements for following Christ. Sure, we are not under the Old Covenant anymore–we don’t have to make regular sacrifices, keep a kosher diet, or stone anyone who works on the Sabbath–but it still isn’t a walk in the park.  Jesus said […]

Critical Questions: Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables? by Micah Lovell

Read: Matthew 13 One of the most commonly occurring questions from readers of the New Testament is about why Jesus so frequently speaks in parables in the Gospels. Readers are astute to the fact that the parables bring an element of mystery to the overall message Jesus is attempting to preach, but some parables are […]


Mother’s Day. Few holidays can rival it for emotional highs and lows. As a child, I loved Mother’s Day. It was the one day of the year my dad would “cook” breakfast with us (or run to McDonalds to buy pancakes). We would “surprise” my mother with breakfast in bed. One particularly memorable year, my […]

How to listen Online

Starting tomorrow April 13, 2021  we will no longer be partnering with Oneplace to host our daily broadcast. You can still here the broadcast right here on our Website. Just click listen on our home page and you will be taken right to it. You can also click on the link at the top of […]

Monday | March 29, 2021 The Cursed Fig Tree

In a series of strange events during Jesus’ final week, cursing a fig tree is certainly at the top of the list. On the day after Jesus was hailed, “Hosanna, the Son of David,” He returned to the city, but He became hungry. He saw a fig tree without any fruit. He cursed the tree […]