Anne Kennedy – Nailed It

Book Interviews
Book Interviews
Anne Kennedy - Nailed It

Adam sat down with Anne Kennedy to talk about her book Nailed it. Here’s a bit from the back of the book. It should tell you what direction the interview went.
“How is that Bible reading plan working out for you? That’s okay, everyone gets stuck. Just ask Jael, or worse, Jonah. This book is meant to “unstick” you. You’ll meet angry and worn out people who―like you―desperately needed God. You’ll see how God seeks out his people in spite of themselves. You’ll discover again that the Bible is worth every moment you devote to it. With a devotional reading for each day of the year, this book will guide you through the Bible―the whole blessed thing―helping you turn your eyes towards Jesus with every step. And who knows? You may end up reading past Leviticus this time.”