Daily Broadcast 11/11/2021 – Thursday

Adam and Helen Thorne talk about her book Hope in an Anxious World and how to find Hope. John Piper preaches: I Am Sending You Out as Sheep in the Midst of Wolves

Daily Broadcast 11/08/2021 – Monday

Matthew John told Adam about his book The Unknown God and his great website www.themosaiccourse.org. a great resource. David Murray tells us How to Amaze Jesus

Daily Broadcast 11/04/2021 – Thursday

Earlier in the year Adam interviewed Alisa Childers about her book Another Gospel. Here’s a bit of it. If you want to here the rest head over to Sound truth Interviews and have a listen. Paul Washer gives us a look into the Beatitudes, Clothed in Christ.

Daily Broadcast 11/02/2021 – Tuesday

Adam talked with Amy Orr-Ewing about her book Where is God in all the Suffering. I subject many of us are all to familiar with. Charles Stanley message: Lessons Learned in the Temptation of Jesus.

Daily Broadcast 11/01/2021 – Monday

This week we start our year in review. we are kicking it off with an interview from Nancy Guthrie – God Does His Best Work With Empty. Next up Erwin Lutzer teaches about: Come and See His Baptism.

Daily Broadcast 10/30/2021 – Weekend

Adam called up JD Greear this week to talk about prayer. JD has a new book out on the subject called Just Ask: The Joy of Confident, Bold, Patient, Relentless, Shameless, Dependent, Grateful, Powerful, Expectant Prayer. Yup that really is the title. Greg Laurie teaches on evangelism this week in a message called The Who, […]

Daily Broadcast 10/29/2021 – Friday

Adam called up JD Greear this week to talk about prayer. JD has a new book out on the subject called Just Ask: The Joy of Confident, Bold, Patient, Relentless, Shameless, Dependent, Grateful, Powerful, Expectant Prayer. Yup that really is the title. Greg Laurie teaches on evangelism this week in a message called The Who, […]