Adam Miller called up Paul Johnson of the Cecil B. Day foundation to talk about Transformational Discipleship.
Chap Bettis – The Disciple Making Parent
Adam called up his good friend Chap Bettis to talk about discipling our children.
Shane Pruitt – 9 Common Lies Christians Believe
Adam Miller sat down with Shane Pruitt to discuss his new book 9 Common Lies Christians Believe.
Alia Joy – Glorious Weakness
Adam Miller talks to Alia Joy about her life, struggles and her book Glorious Weakness.
J.A. Medders – Gospel Formed
Adam sat down with J.A. Medders to talk about his book Gospel Formed
Donald Whitney Pre-Conference interview on Spiritual Disciplines
Adam Called up Donald Whitney to talk about spiritual disciplines and our upcoming Definitions Conference in September. Donald will be one of our keynote speakers.
Tedd Tripp – Shepherding a Child’s Heart
Adam called up Tedd Tripp, One of our 2019 conference speakers to talk about his book Shepherding a Child’s Heart.
Steve Brown – Talk the Walk
Adam called up Songtime’s old friend Steve Brown to talk to him about his book Talk the Walk.
David Wheeler and Vernon Whaley – The Great Commission to Worship
Adam called up David Wheeler and Vernon Whaley and had a chat with them about their book The Great Commission to Worship.
Drew Hill – Alongside
Adam Miller sat down with Drew Hill to talk about discipling teens and Drews new book Alongside.
Rob Rienow – Visionary Parenting
Adam called up Rob Rienow to talk to him about his newly updated and expanded book Visionary Parenting.
Russell Moore – The Storm Tossed Family
Adam called up Russell Moore to talk to him about his new book The Storm Tossed Family.