Today Adam talked to Steve from Create International. An amazing ministry that uses media to spread the Gospel in unreached people groups.
Scott Curley – Communitas International
Adam sat down with Scott Curley of Communitas International to talk about missionaries “working their way out of a job”.
Brother Musa – Missions to Muslims (With Chris Phillips from Partners International)
Adam had the opportunity to talk to Brother Musa with Front Line Ministries. He is a national from Kenya working in Kenya.
Jacob Pursley – Missions in Turkey
Adam Miller talks to Jacob Pursley about his ministry in Turkey.
Jeremy Stuart – Waltham Church Planting
Adam sat down with Jeremy Stuart in our studios to talk about Church planing in Waltham, MA.
Darrell Bock – Jesus the God-Man
Adam Miller sits down with Darrell Bock and talks with him about his new book “Jesus the God-Man”.
Gregg Matte – Unstoppable Gospel
Adam talks to Gregg Matte about his new book Unstoppable Gospel. they also talk about sharing your faith.
Daniel Darling – The Original Jesus
Adam Miller talks to Daniel Darling about his book “The Original Jesus”, and how we try to change Jesus to fit us.
Jane Roach – God’s Mysterious Ways
Adam talks to Jane Roach about her book “God’s Mysterious Ways”
Paul Coughlin – No More Christian Nice Guy
Adam sat down with Paul Coughlin to talk about Paul’s book “No More Christian Nice Guy”
Donald Hubbard – Eternal Security and the Warning Passages in Hebrews
Adam called up our good friend Don Hubbard to continue our study in Hebrews. They they go in depth on the issues of eternal security and many of the warning passages in Hebrews.
Dan Dumas – Live Smart
Adam talks to Dan Dumas about his new book Live Smart. It is a book geared toward the youth of the church, but has found a much broader audience as parents and others have been enjoying it.