What does the fruit of the Spirit look like in everyday life?

What does the fruit of the Spirit look like in everyday life, and how can we become the people the Holy Spirit calls us to be? Adam had a great discussion with our guest this week, Kristin Elizabeth Couch. She is the author of a new book: Deep Roots, Good Fruit: Seeing the Fruit of […]

Daily Broadcast 07/22/2024 – Monday

Since it’s our summer psalm series we though we should get an author that wrote a book based on a psalm. Daniel Henderson has a new book he wrote looking at Psalm 15.

Never Shaken: An interview with Daniel Henderson

How do you respond? It feels like the foundations of predictable society are shifting. In this ambiguous cultural forecast, we’re wondering what’s right, what matters most, and how we should respond. Daniel has a new book out called Never Shaken. He and Adam talk about what our foundation should be in our lives.