Breathtaking Glory: An interview with Author Tom Robson

As Christians have a glorious destiny, but  if we’re honest, it’s all too easy to concentrate on the here and now and to forget that we’re heading anywhere particularly glorious at all. Adam Miller sat down with Tom Robson to talk about his book Breathtaking Glory. They take an honest look at our glorious destiny.

Daily Broadcast 06/14/2024 – Friday

Well, Did you learn how to see others in the church as Jesus sees them? What about learning to love the way God has commanded us too in 1 John? If not you can always go back through all of this weeks shows right here on the website. Adam, Paul and Caleb are always right […]

Daily Broadcast 06/06/2024 – Thursday

How do we begin conversations with the next generation who are being inendated with false messages from the world? Jennifer Kvamme is with us to give us some direction.