How can we be assured of Gods goodness when so many things are going wrong in this world? This week we are joined by Amber Albee Swenson to talk about how you can trust God when life hurts.
Can You Can Trust God When Life Hurts?
Where is God when things happen to you that are painful? Can we trust him in those times? Adam sat down with Amber Albee Swenson who has a book out dealing with these questions. Their conversation helps take the question mark off the statement. You Can Trust God When Life Hurts!
Daily Broadcast 06/22/2024 – Weekend
How cam we know we belong to God? tune in today to hear Kevin DeYoung talk about this from 1 John.
Daily Broadcast 06/21/2024 – Friday
Here we are at the end of another week of great broadcasts. if you missed any you can catch up on all our broadcast are always here for you to listen to.
Daily Broadcast 06/20/2024 – Thursday
Tom Robson takes us through the Bible to show us the glory of God.
Daily Broadcast 06/19/2024 – Wednseday
Today Adam is looking at Tom Robson’s new book on the breathtaking glory of God.
Daily Broadcast 06/18/2024 – Tuesday
We have overcome the world by our faith. Nate Pickowicz tells us how that works in todays show.
Daily Broadcast 06/17/2024 – Monday
Adam and Tom Robson take a panoramic view of the bible as they look at it for Genesis to Revelation.
Breathtaking Glory: An interview with Author Tom Robson
As Christians have a glorious destiny, but if we’re honest, it’s all too easy to concentrate on the here and now and to forget that we’re heading anywhere particularly glorious at all. Adam Miller sat down with Tom Robson to talk about his book Breathtaking Glory. They take an honest look at our glorious destiny.
Daily Broadcast 06/15/2024 – Weekend
We have overcome the world. Nate Pickowicz talks about this truth from 1 John on todays broadcast.
Daily Broadcast 06/14/2024 – Friday
Well, Did you learn how to see others in the church as Jesus sees them? What about learning to love the way God has commanded us too in 1 John? If not you can always go back through all of this weeks shows right here on the website. Adam, Paul and Caleb are always right […]
Daily Broadcast 06/13/2024 – Thursday
Paul Tripp talks about how we are called to love and what that means.