Where are your loyalties? The treasures of this world or heaven? Tony Evens takes us into the word of God to answer this question.
Daily Broadcast 05/06/2024 – Monday
We kick off our Proverb A Day In May with an interview with Anthony Selvaggio. He and Adam sit down to talk about Anthony’s new book, A Proverbs Driven Life.
Daily Broadcast 05/04/2024 – Weekend
Tony Evens talks about why it’s important not to love the world in todays message from first John.
A Proverbs Driven Life: Timeless Wisdom for Your Real World Today an interview with Anthony Selvaggio
Adam talks with Anthony Selvaggio about his book on Proverbs. They talk about how it relates to our lives today.
Daily Broadcast 05/03/2024 – Friday
Developing habits for a godly home is challenging. Adam talks with Jennifer Pepito today. They are discussing ideas to overcome those challenges.
Daily Broadcast 05/02/2024 – Thursday
We can’t say we are walking in the light if we have animosity toward our brother. Timmothy Keller explains on todays show.
Daily Broadcast 05/01/2024 – Wednesday
How do we form habbets for a sacrid home? Adam sat down with Jennifer Pepito to go over some ideas to do just that.
Daily Broadcast 04/30/2024 – Tuesday
In first John chapter two Jesus demonstrates his love for us and commands us to love others the way we have been loved. Timmothy Keller takes us into this on todays show.
Daily Broadcast 04/29/2024 – Monday
Do you want a faith filled family? We have Jennifer Pepito on the show this week to talk about things that can help in that quest.
9 Practices from History to Anchor and Restore Modern Families.
In this chaotic world it can be difficult to raise kids. Jennifer Pepito’s new book is a great resource. Adam and Jennifer look at how to make your home a place for your family to thrive.
Daily Broadcast 04/27/2024 – Weekend
on todays show the late Timmothy Keller takes us to 1 John chapter 2 as we learn how to love one another.
Daily Broadcast 04/26/2024 – Friday
Today is our last day to look at Amy DiMarcangelo book Go and Do Likewise. But it doesn’t have to be your last. If you liked the conversation please get a copy of her book by clicking here.