Today on the broadcast we tackle the question: How can believers walk in the light and still struggle with sin. Conrad Mbewe in here to help us go through this tough question.
Daily Broadcast 04/24/2024 – Wednesday
How do we stay on mission and serve the communities around us? Amy DiMarcangelo gives us some ideas.
Daily Broadcast 04/23/2024 – Tuesday
Today on the broadcast we continue our study with Conrad Mbewe as we talk about our need of a savior.
Daily Broadcast 04/22/2024 – Monday
Adam sits down with Amy DiMarcangelo this week. We are talking about world missions that happen right here in our own communities.
Daily Broadcast 04/20/2024 – Weekend
Pastor Conrad Mbewe takes us into the book of 1st John this week to look at Jesus, the light of the world.
Go and do likewise: God’s grand story of redemption.
Adam talks with Amy DiMarcangelo about her new book: Go and Do Likewise: A Call to Follow Jesus in a Life of Mercy and Mission. They explore how we as ordinary Christians can extend God’s compassion to those in need. Even in our own neighborhoods.
Daily Broadcast 04/19/2024 – Friday
It’s Friday, and you know what that means. It’s time to wrap up our discussion with Todd Nettleton and our look at 1 John with Dr Erwin Lutzer. It’s been a fast week. but as always if you missed anything you can go back and listen right here on our website.
Daily Broadcast 04/18/2024 – Thursday
Did you know that some countries you might consider taking a vacation to have persecution of christians? Todd Nettleton is with us again to tell us about some of these places.
Daily Broadcast 04/17/2024 – Wednesday
How do we distinguish the truth form the lies or our culture. Dr Erwin Lutzer looks at this question in 1 John today.
Daily Broadcast 04/16/2024 – Tuesday
What misconceptions about God do we have? Dr Erwin Lutzer talks about how we have to start with Gods word for an accurate picture of Him.
Daily Broadcast 04/15/2024 – Monday
Our good friend Todd Nettleton is on the broadcast this week to tell us about what is going on in the church around the world.
Update from the persecuted church around the world. With Todd Nettleton
Our good friend Todd Nettleton from Voice of the Martyrs is with us to talk about what is happening around the christian world. He always gives us a good perspective on the persecution that is happening to christians overseas. Please pray for our brothers and sisters.