Dr. Wiersbe is looking at the Triumphal Entry in todays show.
Daily Broadcast 02/13/2024 – Tuesday
Warren Wiersbe takes to John chapter 12 as we continue in our journey through the Gospel of John.
Daily Broadcast 02/12/2024 – Monday
Sharon James is our guest this week and she has an interesting question. Is Christianity Good for the World? She and Adam dive into this.
Daily Broadcast 02/10/2024 – Weekend
Songtime’s old friend the late Warren Wiersbe is giving us Marching Orders in today show.
Is Christianity Good for the World?
The title says it all. This is the question Adam presents in todays interview with Sharon James. Sharon has written a little book on the subject. It’s a really good read.
Daily Broadcast 02/09/2024 – Friday
DA Carson wraps up this amazing story in John. Lazarus being raised from the dead.
Daily Broadcast 02/08/2024 – Thursday
Jesus felt the full range of human emotions when he was here on earth. Today we are looking at the sorrow of Jesus when his friend Lazarus dies.
Daily Broadcast 02/07/2024 – Wednesday
Adam talks with Trillia Newbell on todays episode. They are discussing the topic of making friends and using it to present the gospel.
Daily Broadcast 02/06/2024 – Tuesday
On todays show DA Carson is looking at Jesus and the raising of Lazarus from the dead.
Daily Broadcast 02/04/2024 – Monday
This week DA Carson is taking up our study in John. He is looking at the story of Lazarus.
Jesus and the gift of Friendship: An interview with Trillia Newbell
We have a treat this week. Adam interviews Trillia Newbell. She is the author of Jesus and the Gift of Friendship. It is a great kids book to help your kids see that God is not just their savior but also their friend.
Daily Broadcast 02/03/2024 – Weekend
We are looking at being a friend of God in todays show. Trillia Newbell has a great little book out on the subject and Adam sat down with her to talk about it.