In this interview with Adam’s good friend Jared Wilson opens up about his struggles from his past that brought him to write this book. How can we be a friend of an all knowing unseen God when we struggle with the friendship with people here around us? Check out the interview its well worth the […]
Daily Broadcast 9/29/2023 – Friday
Sadly we are at the end of our week with Todd Nettleton from Voice of the Martyrs. We always really enjoy it when he is on the show. But take heart. We are just getting rolling with our new series in the book of Romans so buckle in for that one as we continue on […]
Daily Broadcast 9/28/2023 – Thursday
The righteousness of God is revealed to those who have faith in our look at chapter one of Romans today
Daily Broadcast 9/27/2023 – Wednesday
Todd Nettleton updates up on what Voice of the Martyrs has been up to helping Christians overseas.
Daily Broadcast 9/26/2023 – Tuesday
Greg Gilbert takes us into Romans chapter one to look at the power of the gospel.
Daily Broadcast 9/25/2023 – Monday
Our old friend Todd Nettleton from Voice of the Martyrs is back on the show this week to fill us i on what is going on in the persecuted church abroad.
Whats going on around the world? Voice of the Martyrs Update with Todd Nettleton.
After a long absence from the show, our good friend Todd Nettleton is back. Todd is with Voice of the Martyrs. VOM is a ministry that helps persecuted christians around the world. They are also a great resource to find out what is going on in the family of Christ around the globe.
Daily Broadcast 9/23/2023 – Weekend
Today we are beginning a new series in the Book of Romans. Greg Gilbert is starting us off with a message from chapter one.
Daily Broadcast 9/22/2023 – Friday
And just like that our Summer Psalms Series was over/ this s our last day. Stephen Witmer is wrapping the summer up with Psalms 103.
Daily Broadcast 9/21/2023 – Thursday
Adam is talking with Esther Liu about a tough subject many of us deal with, Shame. They take it to the Bible and see what we should be doing.
Daily Broadcast 9/20/2023 – Wednesday
today we continue our study in Psalm 103 with Stephen Witmer.
Daily Broadcast 9/19/2023 – Tuesday
Stephen Witmer is preaching to us that we need to preach to ourselves daily. Not just on Sundays.