How can you help support your local pastor? Why does he need help? Check out the interview with Peter Orr on todays show to find out.
Daily Broadcast 6/28/2023 – Wednesday
What changed Paul in his thinking? How did he go from persecutor to preacher of the gospel? Tune into the show today to find out.
Daily Broadcast 6/27/2023 – Tuesday
Today Tim Keller takes a look at Paul who has a real encounter with a living God. But first Peter Orr talks about how church members play an important role in supporting their Pastor.
Daily Broadcast 6/26/2023 – Monday
adam talks with Peter Orr about how to help our pastors rather than fighting with them. Then Tim Keller talks about Paul getting knocked off his horse!
Daily Broadcast 6/24/2023 – Weekend
Fight FOR your pastors! That is the message from Peter Orr in Adams interview this week. What does that mean? Tune in and find out. Then we switch gears back to our study of Acts. We have made it to the conversion of Saul. Tim Keller will be taking us through Acts 9.
Fight For Your Pastor… Not Fight Your Pastor. An interview with Peter Orr
Too many church members fight their pastor instead of fighting for them. Adam sat down with Peter Orr to talk about his take on this issue. Do you pray for your pastors? Do you encourage them? Do you have realistic expectations for them? The office of pastor is simultaneously a rewarding and draining position. Pastors […]
Daily Broadcast 6/23/2023 – Friday
It’s Friday so we are drawing our week to a close. Adam asks Nate brooks his final questions and Kevin DeYoung closes out his message. if you missed any of this week it’s all available right here on the website.
Daily Broadcast 6/22/2023 – Thursday
In Acts Chapter 8 we look at Simon and his mistake seeking power, rather than the one who is all powerful.
Daily Broadcast 6/21/2023 – Wednesday
Adam and Nate Brooks continue their conversation on transformation. The big question being how does it start?
Daily Broadcast 6/20/2023 – Tuesday
Kevin DeYoung points out how important it is not to compromise the Gospel in today message in our journey in the book of Acts.
Daily Broadcast 6/19/2023 – Monday
Today we are looking at Simon the Sorcerer in the book of Acts. Did he really believe? Adam is also talking to Nate Brooks about his book Identifying Heart Transformation.
How Do We Identify Real Heart Transformation?
In todays show Adam sat down with Nate Brooks to talk about a really important issue. True Heart Transformation. If we don’t have it does anything else matter? Tune in and see what they had to say.