Alistair Begg talks about Pauls trial in Acts 26 on todays broadcast.
Daily Broadcast 7/31/2023 – Monday
Some people do Proverbs in 30 days. But have you ever thought of trying Psalms? Adam and Trevin Wax talk about it in today broadcast.
Daily Broadcast 7/29/2023 – Weekend
Alistair Begg takes us into Pauls story in Acts 26 and Adam sits down with Trevin Wax for the 30 day Psalms Challenge.
Trevin Wax – Psalms in 30 Days
Reading through the book of Psalms in 30 days may seem like a challenge. but Trevin has a book out with a plan to get it done. Check out Adam’s interview with Trevin to see how and even why you would want too.
Daily Broadcast 7/28/2023 – Friday
It’s Friday and that means we are coming to a close on our look at Acts 20 with Warren Wiersbe. Adam is also wrapping up his talk with Adam Mabry and their look at his book.
Daily Broadcast 7/27/2023 – Thursday
Today the late great Warren Wiersbe takes us back to the book of Acts for a look at Pauls teaching of the importance of the local church.
Daily Broadcast 7/26/2023 – Wednesday
We continue our look at Acts chapter 20 with Dr. Wiersbe and we go back to Adams discussion on what to do when God seems out of reach.
Daily Broadcast 7/25/2023 – Tuesday
Today Warren Wiersbe is looking at what made the Apostle Paul great. And then Adam and Adam take a look at Adams book When God Seems Gone.
Daily Broadcast 7/24/2023 – Monday
This week on the show Adam talks to… well Adam. Adam Mabry that is. Adam Mabry has a book called “When God seems Gone”. Intriguing title because we all have felt that way at least once. Check out the conversation this week. Oh and Warren Wiersbe is on the show too. That should be enough […]
What do you do when God seems gone? An interview with Adam Mabry
Where is God in all this? that’s a huge question we ask and hear over and over. Adam Mabry’s new book goes into that very question from a Biblical view. Listen in on Adam and Adam as they talk about this big topic.
Daily Broadcast 7/22/2023 – Weekend
Songtime’s old friend Dr. Warren Wiersbe takes us to Acts 20 in our continued journey through this amazing book.
Daily Broadcast 7/21/2023 – Friday
Adam and Barbarajo Bowers finish out their conversation about questions. More to the point, the questions God asked people in the bible.