Adam wraps up his conversation with JD Greear about his book Essential Christianity. It’s a study in the book of Romans. Then DA Carson finishes his look at Acts chapter 2.
Daily Broadcast 6/01/2023 – Thursday
JD Greear is our guest today. He is talking about his book Essential Christianity. It is a closer look at the book of Romans. Then we have a message from DA Carson covering Acts chapter 2.
Daily Broadcast 5/31/2023 – Wednesday
On todays show we will look into Acts 2 and how the Holy Spirit came down and motivated the Apostles to preach the Word. But first we look at the book of Romans with Pastor and author JD Greear.
Daily Broadcast 5/30/2023 – Tuesday
Da Carson takes us to the sermon from Peter on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. But first we talk to JD Greear about his book Essential Christianity.
Daily Broadcast 5/29/2023 – Monday
Adam and JD Greear sat down to talk about the key to understanding the Gospel from the book of Romans. Then up next DA Carson is teaching from Acts 2. We are looking at Pentecost.
Daily Broadcast 5/27/2023 – The Weekend
This weekend we are into week two of our look into the book of Acts. DA Carson is starting us off with with a message on Pentecost. But first Adam is talking to JD Greear about his new book Essential Christianity.
Essential Christianity, An interview with JD Greear
What if Paul wrote the book of Romans to 21st-century man what would he say? Adam and JD Greear explore this idea in today’s podcast.
Daily Broadcast 5/26/2023 – Friday
Al Mohler shows us how we need a generation to rise up and reach the next generation in this message. Then Mike Mckinley is talking friendship, with God no less.
Daily Broadcast 5/25/2023 – Thursday
How can we have a relationship with God? And why is it so important? Mike Mackinley gives us some insight into the subject in his interview as he talks to Adam.
Daily Broadcast 5/24/2023 – Wednesday
Al Mohler is breaking down Acts 1 in his message today. He shows us how the church started in Jerusalem and then spread out from there. But first Mike Mckinley talks about his book Friendship with God.
Daily Broadcast 5/23/2023 – Tuesday
Today we are looking at Acts Chapter 1. Al Mohler has a sermon to help us with that. then we have Mike Mckinley Helping us discover our friendship with God.
Daily Broadcast 5/22/2023 – Monday
Today we are beginning a series in the book of Acts. Al Mohler starts us off then we talk to Mike Mckinley about how to have a friendship with God, not just a relationship.