Hope. A word we all need in our lives. In this episode Adam sat down with Mitchell Chase to talk about that very subject. But we aren’t talking about just any hope we are looking at the theme of resurrection hope throughout Scriptures.
Daily Broadcast 4/15/2023 – The Weekend!
This week in our study of Luke we will look at the two witnesses on the road to Emmaus with Alistair Begg. But first we are joined by author Mitchell Chase to talk about the theological implications of the resurrection.
Daily Broadcast 4/14/2023 – Friday
Sadly we have to say goodby to Roger Carswell today. His segments have been so good. Sinclair Ferguson will be wrapping up his message from Luke 24 today as well.
Daily Broadcast 4/13/2023 – Thursday
How can we frame the story of the resurrection in our conversations with our unsaved loved ones? Evangelist Roger Carswell gives us direction. Then Sinclair Ferguson continues our journey through Luke as we look at the significance of the resurrection in our lives today.
Daily Broadcast 04/12/2023 – Wednesday
Today Roger Carswell shows us how to share our faith as we talk about the resurrection. Next up, as we talk about the resurrection of Jesus, we go to the ladies that were the first to see him.
Daily Broadcast 04/11/2023 – Tuesday
We continue our study on this resurrection week as we reflect on the eye witnesses to the empty tomb with Sinclair Ferguson. But first we look at the story of the resurrection as a means to sharing our faith.
Daily Broadcast 4/10/2023 – Monday
Today we continue our journey through Luke with Sinclair Ferguson as we look at how and why we celebrate the resurrection of our savior, not just on Easter. Also Roger Carswell will show us how to use this season of Easter as an opportunity to share our faith with our Loved ones.
Daily Broadcast 4/08/2023 – Weekend!
Today on the Songtime Broadcast we celebrate how Christ has risen from the dead. We will get an eye witness account from the ladies that were the first to see in this message from Sinclair Ferguson. But first talk about the three days the changed the world as we talk to evangelist Roger Carswell.
3 Days that Changed the World an interview with Roger Carswell
Adam got to talk to Roger Carswell an old friend of the show from across the pond in the UK. They really had a great time in this interview talking about those amazing three days.
Daily Broadcast 4/07/2023 – Friday
Alistair Begg takes us to a powerful message focusing on an unlikely participant in the story. But first Adam wraps up his interview with Stephen Wellum.
Daily Broadcast 4/06/2023 – Thursday
Stephen Wellum starts us off today with the the only means of salvation. Then Steve Lawson takes us to the Lords Supper in the Upper room but finishes in the garden where Jesus is betrayed.
Daily Broadcast 4/05/2023 – Wednesday
Dr. Stephen Wellum talks about what Jesus endured during this week in his discussion with Adam. And then we look at Holy Week with John Piper as we will see the motivation of Judas… money.