Today we want to invite you along with us as we journey through Holy week. Today Jesus is questioned by the religious leaders. But first we are joined by Dr Stephen Wellum as we look at his book, Christ Alone.
Daily Broadcast 4/03/2023 – Monday
We are looking at the final days of Jesus in this message from Ligon Duncun where he looks at Jesus cleansing of the temple. But first we are joined by Dr. Stephen Wellum and looking at how Jesus is proving to be the savior of the world.
Christ Alone? A question we must ask.
Adam sat down with Stephen Wellum to talk about this question that goes all the way back to the Reformation, and really back to the Bible itself. Can we ad to our salvation? Or to Jesus’ work on the cross? Let’s listen in and find out.
Daily Broadcast 4/01/2023 – Weekend
This week on the broadcast we will begin our jorney through the final days of Jesus. We start off with a message from John Piper about the Triumphal Entry. Then we go to our Interview with Dr. Stephen Wellum and talk about the spiritual implications of what Jesus will go through this week.
Daily Broadcast 3/31/2023 – Friday
Adam looks at two rich men in the bible. One accepted Jesus offer the other did not. Which one are you? We also wrap up our interview with Jen Oshman talking about a welcoming spirit in our churches.
Daily Broadcast 3/30/2023 – Thursday
In Luke 18 we are asked to evaluate our treasure. Then we talk to Jen Oshman about how to better present our faith to those around us.
Daily Broadcast 3/29/2023 – Wednesday
What is the true cost of following Jesus? The rich young ruler found out. but before we go there Adam and Jen Oshman discuss creating an atmosphere that that everyone feels like they belong.
Daily Broadcast 3/28/2023 – Tuesday
How do we make our church a more hospitable place for worship? Adam and Jen talk about this. Then Adam continues his message from Luke.
Daily Broadcast 3/27/2023 – Monday
Adam takes a look at the story of the rich young ruler and the story of Zacchaeus. Then we head back to our discussion on making our church a welcoming place with Jen Oshman.
Welcome, an interview with Jen Oshman
Walking into church can be intimidating, whether for the first time or after a period of absence, whether you are a non-believer or a believer. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your church was a place where everyone received a warm welcome? A place where newcomers can quickly feel at home and where non-believers receive the […]
Daily Broadcast 3/25/2023 – Weekend
We have a treat today. Adam is using one of his own sermons for our continued look into the book of Luke. Then we have Jen Oshman. Her new book Welcome takes a look at how to make our churches more welcoming.
Daily Broadcast 3/24/2023 – Friday
On todays show David Murray is finishing out his message from Luke 17 about the ten lepers and Adam in wrapping up his interview with Denise Hughes.