Daily Broadcast 3/01/2023 – Wednesday

Warren Wiersbe shows us what Luke is talking about in Chapter ten when he says we need to hear and do the will ofGod. But first up Melissa Zaldivar talks about how to process grief.

Daily Broadcast 2/28/2023 – Tuesday

With all that has gone on in the last few years learning to deal with loss and anxiety is greatly needed. Adams interview with Melissa Zaldivar is very timely. We are breaking down the story of Mary and Martha and discovering what it means to sit at the feet of Jesus.

Daily Broadcast 2/27/2023 – Monday

Warren Wiersbe continues our study in Luke with a look into chapter 10. And We listen in to the conversation Adam had with Melissa Zaldivar as they talk about coping with loss.

Daily Broadcast 2/25/2023 – Weekend

Warren Wiersbe gives us insight into the story of Mary and Martha and how to have a devotional life with God. But first up this week is Melissa Zaldivar. Her new book helps us understand how to deal with grief with a whole new perspective. 

Melissa Zaldivar – What Cannot Be Lost

In this episode Adam dives into Melissa Zaldivar’s story of loss and how Jesus held her together. Melissa Zaldivar talks honestly about losing everything that once defined her and how God used unexpected opportunities to spark a journey of working through her grief and encountering the all-sufficient love of Christ.

Daily Broadcast 2/23/2023 – Thursday

DA Carson Points out how often Jesus has to correct his disciples and their misguided ideas of the Kingdom of Heaven. but first we hear from Dr Gary Chapman and Adam as they continue their conversation.

Daily Broadcast 2/22/2023 – Wednesday

Gary Chapman talks about how his own marriage shaped hims ministry. And then the disciples missed the point in todays look at Luke 9. They didn’t get Jesus’s statement to take up your cross.

Daily Broadcast 2/21/2023 – Tuesday

Adam continues his talk with Gary Chapman as he lays out how he became the love Langue guy. Then in Luke nine DA Carson is looking at the transfiguration of Jesus. What did Peter miss in this story?

Daily Broadcast 2/20/2023 – Monday

Dr Gary Chapman joins us to tell us a little bit about his life and his unexpected journey. Then DA Carson talks about Jesus focus on going to Jerusalem.

Daily Broadcast 2/18/2023 – The Weekend!

This weekend we are looking at chapter 9 in our study of the book of Luke. We get a pivot point where Jesus turns his feet and heart toward Jerusalem. But first Dr Gary Chapman the author of the five love languages joins us to discuss his latest book.

Gary Chapman – Life Lessons and Love Languages

Adam sat down with the great Dr Gary Chapman of the five love languages fame to discover how he got into this type of ministry. As Adam said several times Gary is someone you can sit and listen to all day. Check out the podcast and see if he was right.