Adam had such a great time talking to Elyse Fitzpatrick last time that he decided to call her up again to talk about her book Home – Heaven and the New Earth. Paul Tripp Keeps our Christmas theme going with his message The Announcement.
Daily Broadcast 12/27/2022 – Tuesday
Adam had such a great time talking to Elyse Fitzpatrick last time that he decided to call her up again to talk about her book Home – Heaven and the New Earth. Paul Tripp Keeps our Christmas theme going with his message The Announcement.
Daily Broadcast 12/26/2022 – Monday
Adam had such a great time talking to Elyse Fitzpatrick last time that he decided to call her up again to talk about her book Home – Heaven and the New Earth. Paul Tripp Keeps our Christmas theme going with his message The Announcement.
Daily Broadcast 12/24/2022 – Weekend. Merry Christmas!!!
Adam had such a great time talking to Elyse Fitzpatrick last time that he decided to call her up again to talk about her book Home – Heaven and the New Earth. Paul Tripp Keeps our Christmas theme going with his message The Announcement.
Are We There Yet? Nope. Home Heaven and the New Earth
In Todays episode we are talking about a subject we all want to know about. Just not first hand. Not yet anyway. Elyse Fitzpatrick has a book out called Home: How Heaven and the New Earth Satisfy Our Deepest Longings. Adam interviewed Elyse several years ago and loved it so much that he did it […]
Daily Broadcast 12/23/2022 – Friday
This week we have a real treat. Christian radio veteran Bob Lepine is on the show! He and Adam are talking about Bob’s new book The four Emotions of Christmas. We also have DA Carson on the broadcast this week. He is teaching from the story of Zachariah and his new son John who we […]
Daily Broadcast 12/22/2022 – Thursday
This week we have a real treat. Christian radio veteran Bob Lepine is on the show! He and Adam are talking about Bob’s new book The four Emotions of Christmas. We also have DA Carson on the broadcast this week. He is teaching from the story of Zachariah and his new son John who we […]
Daily Broadcast 12/21/2022 – Wednesday
This week we have a real treat. Christian radio veteran Bob Lepine is on the show! He and Adam are talking about Bob’s new book The four Emotions of Christmas. We also have DA Carson on the broadcast this week. He is teaching from the story of Zachariah and his new son John who we […]
Daily Broadcast 12/20/2022 – Tuesday
This week we have a real treat. Christian radio veteran Bob Lepine is on the show! He and Adam are talking about Bob’s new book The four Emotions of Christmas. We also have DA Carson on the broadcast this week. He is teaching from the story of Zachariah and his new son John who we […]
Daily Broadcast 12/19/2022 – Monday
This week we have a real treat. Christian radio veteran Bob Lepine is on the show! He and Adam are talking about Bob’s new book The four Emotions of Christmas. We also have DA Carson on the broadcast this week. He is teaching from the story of Zachariah and his new son John who we […]
Bob Lepine – The Four Emotions of Christmas
In this episode we have a real treat. Christian radio veteran Bob Lepine is on the show! He and Adam are talking about Bob’s new book The four Emotions of Christmas. It’s a great little book to give out at Christmas. Even to your unsaved friends. If you would like a copy call the office […]
Daily Broadcast 12/17/2022 – The Weekend!
This week we have a real treat. Christian radio veteran Bob Lepine is on the show! He and Adam are talking about Bob’s new book The four Emotions of Christmas. We also have DA Carson on the broadcast this week. He is teaching from the story of Zachariah and his new son John who we […]