Adam interviewed Christopher Ash about his book with a big question in it, Where Was God When That Happened. You will want to check this one out. Timothy Keller teaches on Abraham and the Torch.
Daily Broadcast 11/07/2022 – Monday
Adam and our good friend Margy Tripp talk about her book Its Not Too Late. It deals with grown children that have gone astray. H. B. Charles Jr message is from Proverbs 30.
Daily Broadcast 11/05/2022 – Weekend
Adam and David Mathis talk about his book Rich Wounds. Tedd Tripp talks about Preparing Future Generation.
Daily Broadcast 11/04/2022 – Friday
Tedd Tripp was our key note speaker at our conference this year. In this segment He and Adam talk about Shepherding the Heart. Stuart Briscoe teaches on Easter Day Dawning from Mark 16.
Daily Broadcast 11/03/2022 – Thursday
Steven Lawson talks about The Holiness of God and Alistair Begg teaches on Learning how to Worship, An Illusion. He’s working in Mark 14.
Daily Broadcast 11/02/22 – Wednesday
In our year in review we have up next Adams interview with Sebastian Traeger talking about his book The Gospel At Work. And Steven Lawsons sermon, Religion with No Fruit from Mark 11.
Daily Broadcast 11/01/2022 – Tuesday
Adam interviews Randy Newman about his book Mere Evangelism. Danny Akin talks about Sent to Serve from Mark 10.
Daily Broadcast 10/31/2022 – Monday
Today we have an interview from Iain Duguid – The Whole Armor of God. And our sermon was from the Late great Warren Wiersbe – Be Rich – I Know a Secret. He was teaching from Ephesians 3.
Daily Broadcast 10/29/2022 – Weekend
We kick off our year in review this week. I know it seems early with so much year left but November is right around the corner. We start out with Paul Miller – A Praying Life, and DA Carson – Our Exalted Relationship in a Holy Church from all the way back in January.
Daily Broadcast 10/28/2022 – Friday
Adam sat down with Thomas Schreiner to talk about perseverance. Thomas has a book out that covers the doctrine of perseverance and challenges and assurances. Run to Win the Prize will make you think. Timothy Keller has our sermon this week. He is talking about Boasting in Nothing Except the Cross. He is of course […]
Daily Broadcast 10/27/2022 – Thursday
Adam sat down with Thomas Schreiner to talk about perseverance. Thomas has a book out that covers the doctrine of perseverance and challenges and assurances. Run to Win the Prize will make you think. Timothy Keller has our sermon this week. He is talking about Boasting in Nothing Except the Cross. He is of course […]
Daily Broadcast 10/26/2022 – Wednesday
Adam sat down with Thomas Schreiner to talk about perseverance. Thomas has a book out that covers the doctrine of perseverance and challenges and assurances. Run to Win the Prize will make you think. Timothy Keller has our sermon this week. He is talking about Boasting in Nothing Except the Cross. He is of course […]