Adam sat down with Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser this week. They had a great discussion about When Words Matter Most, their new book. This week Ligon Duncan preaches a message: How to Be a Christian. A good thing for all of us to know.
Daily Broadcast 2/07/2022 – Monday
Adam sat down with Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser this week. They had a great discussion about When Words Matter Most, their new book. This week Ligon Duncan kicks off a message: How to Be a Christian. A good thing for all of us to know.
Daily Broadcast 2/05/2022 – Weekend
Adam sat down with Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser this week. They had a great discussion about When Words Matter Most, their new book. This week Ligon Duncan kicks off a message: How to Be a Christian. A good thing for all of us to know.
Cheryl Marshall, Caroline Newheiser – When Words Matter Most
Adam sat down with Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser to talk about their new book. It was a very encouraging conversation. They talked about how we really need to watch what we say and how we say it. Here’s a bit about the book. In When Words Matter Most, Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser help […]
Daily Broadcast 2/04/2022 – Friday
Adam and Brad Hambrick finish up their discussion they have been working on all week. Forgiveness is a big subject, but one that needs to be looked at with care. Brian Chapell wraps up his sermon, The Same, Only Different.
Daily Broadcast 2/03/2022 – Thursday
Adam and Brad Hambrick talk about understanding that forgiveness is the start of a journey that doesn’t erase the past, but honestly confronts hurt and clears the way for a hope-filled discussion on how to move toward healing. Brian Chapell one of Adam’s favorite bible teachers is working on a message from Ephesians 4 in […]
Daily Broadcast 2/2/2022 – Wednesday
Adam and Brad Hambrick talk about understanding that forgiveness is the start of a journey that doesn’t erase the past, but honestly confronts hurt and clears the way for a hope-filled discussion on how to move toward healing. Then Brian Chapell teaches us from Ephesians 4 in a sermon entitled: The Same, Only Different.
Daily Broadcast 2/01/2022 – Tuesday
Adam and Brad Hambrick talk about understanding that forgiveness is the start of a journey that doesn’t erase the past, but honestly confronts hurt and clears the way for a hope-filled discussion on how to move toward healing. Then Brian Chapell teaches us from Ephesians 4 in a sermon entitled: The Same, Only Different.
Daily Broadcast 1/31/2022 – Monday
Adam sat down with Pastor and counselor Brad Hambrick. They talked about understanding that forgiveness is the start of a journey that doesn’t erase the past, but honestly confronts hurt and clears the way for a hope-filled discussion on how to move toward healing. Then Brian Chapell teaches us from Ephesians 4 in a sermon […]
Daily Broadcast 1/29/2022 – Weekend
Adam sat down with Pastor and counselor Brad Hambrick. They talked about understanding that forgiveness is the start of a journey that doesn’t erase the past, but honestly confronts hurt and clears the way for a hope-filled discussion on how to move toward healing. Then Brian Chapell teaches us from Ephesians 4 in a sermon […]
Brad Hambrick – Making Sense of Forgiveness
Adam sat down with Pastor and counselor Brad Hambrick. They talked about understanding that forgiveness is the start of a journey that doesn’t erase the past, but honestly confronts hurt and clears the way for a hope-filled discussion on how to move toward healing.
Daily Broadcast 1/28/2022 – Friday
Adam got out one of his favorite messages for this week. It is from his mentor and former pastor, Colin Smith. What is Biblical Authority. Warren Wiersbe wraps up his message Be Rich, I Know a Secret. Grab your Bible and open it to Ephesians 3.1-13