Daily Broadcast 12/20/2021 – Monday

Champ Thornton has a brand new advent book out for the whole family. It is based off the book of Isaiah. It is deep for the grownups in the family but has crafts and activities for the little ones in your family. Adam had a lot of fun in this interview. Michael Youssef teaches on […]

Champ Thornton – Wonders of His Love

Champ Thornton has a brand new advent book out for the whole family. It is based off the book of Isaiah. It is deep for the grownups in the family but has crafts and activities for the little ones in your family. Adam had a lot of fun in this interview.

Daily Broadcast 12/18/2021 – Weekend

Champ Thornton has a brand new advent book out for the whole family. It is based off the book of Isaiah. It is deep for the grownups in the family but has crafts and activities for the little ones in your family. Adam had a lot of fun in this interview. Michael Youssef teaches on […]

Daily Broadcast 12/17/2021 – Friday

The Christmas season can be hard for those who have suffered a loss. Adam sat down with Nancy Guthrie from Grief Share and Surviving the Holidays to get a new perspective on how to deal with loss. Nancy and her husband are the hosts of Grief share. Collin Smith teaches us about the  Seven Streams […]

Daily Broadcast 12/16/2021 – Thursday

The Christmas season can be hard for those who have suffered a loss. Adam sat down with Nancy Guthrie from Grief Share and Surviving the Holidays to get a new perspective on how to deal with loss. Nancy and her husband are the hosts of Grief share. Collin Smith teaches us about the  Seven Streams […]

Daily Broadcast 12/15/2021 – Wednesday

The Christmas season can be hard for those who have suffered a loss. Adam sat down with Nancy Guthrie from Grief Share and Surviving the Holidays to get a new perspective on how to deal with loss. Nancy and her husband are the hosts of Grief share. Collin Smith teaches us about the  Seven Streams […]

Daily Broadcast 12/14/2021 – Tuesday

The Christmas season can be hard for those who have suffered a loss. Adam sat down with Nancy Guthrie from Grief Share and Surviving the Holidays to get a new perspective on how to deal with loss. Nancy and her husband are the hosts of Grief share. Collin Smith teaches us about the  Seven Streams […]

Daily Broadcast 12/13/2021 – Monday

The Christmas season can be hard for those who have suffered a loss. Adam sat down with Nancy Guthrie from Grief Share and Surviving the Holidays to get a new perspective on how to deal with loss. Nancy and her husband are the hosts of Grief share. Collin Smith teaches us about the  Seven Streams […]

Daily Broadcast 12/11/2021 – Weekend

The Christmas season can be hard for those who have suffered a loss. Adam sat down with Nancy Guthrie from Grief Share and Surviving the Holidays to get a new perspective on how to deal with loss. Nancy and her husband are the hosts of Grief share. Collin Smith teaches us about the  Seven Streams […]

Nancy Guthrie – Grief Share – Surviving the Holidays

The Christmas season can be hard for those who have suffered a loss. Adam sat down with Nancy Guthrie from Grief Share and Surviving the Holidays to get a new perspective on how to deal with loss. Nancy and her husband are the hosts of Grief share.

Daily Broadcast 12/10/2021 – Friday

Adam interviewed Katy Morgan, she is the author of a new novel that retells the Christmas story.   Her book is called The Promise and the Light. John Piper is talking about peace in his message: My Peace I Give to You, Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled.

Daily Broadcast 12/09/2021 – Thursday

Adam interviewed Katy Morgan, she is the author of a new novel that retells the Christmas story.   Her book is called The Promise and the Light. John Piper is talking about peace in his message: My Peace I Give to You, Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled.