Daily Broadcast 9/02/2023 – Weekend

As we wrap up the summer and kids are heading off to school we still have a few more Psalms to go in our Summer Psalms Series. Today DA Carson will start us off with Psalms 99.

Daily Broadcast 7/20/2023 – Thursday

DA Carson deals with the sin of idolatry in his message from Acts 17. Then Adam continues his talk with Barbarajo Bowers. they are looking at the questions from her book, That’s a Good Question.

Daily Broadcast 7/18/2023 – Tuesday

In Acts 17 Paul is preaching about the “unknown god”. If you’re not familiar with the story DA Carson will fill you in. Then we go back to our conversation with Barbarajo Bowers to ask some more good questions.

Daily Broadcast 7/15/2023 – Weekend

This weekend Barbrajo Bower helps us ask good questions. She is the author of a book that covers the questions God asked of people in the Bible. Then DA Carson takes us into Acts 17 with a few questions of his own.

Daily Broadcast 6/16/2023 – Friday

It’s time for our Friday wrap up! Adam and Chris Martin circle back around on the social media issue and DA Carson is coming in for a landing in Acts chapter 4. listen in to see how they finish it up.

Daily Broadcast 6/15/2023 – Thursday

Chris Martin the author of Wolf in our Pockets talks about how we need to be discerning with the information we have right at our fingertips. And then DA Carson takes us back to first century Israel and talks about the trial the early church was dealing with.

Daily Broadcast 6/14/2023 – Wednesday

Adam and Chris Martin continue their talk about the internet and social media. They came up to a very interesting question. Are there any downsides to live streaming our church worship services? Tune in to see what they thought. Then DA Carson takes us into our study in the book of Acts. We are in […]

Daily Broadcast 6/13/2023 – Tuesday

We continue out look at the Acts of the Apostles with DA Carson.We also continue our talk with Chris Martin discussing the question: Is social media good or bad?

Daily Broadcast 6/12/2023 – Monday

Chris Martin talks with us about having such easy access to the internet and social media through a device in our pockets. Da Carson takes us to the first opposition the Apostles ran into in the book of Acts.