Daily Broadcast 11/10/2022 – Thursday

Adam and Rob Rienow talk about having a Visionary Church. Adams late great mentor Colin Smith is bringing the message today. It’s entitled Complaining-Meditation.

Daily Broadcast 5/13/2022 – Friday

Adam’s interview this week is with Rob Rienow. Rob has a great ministry working with families. In this talk they are discussing his book Visionary Church and how God calls churches and families to work together for the glory of God and the advance of the Gospel. Derek Thomas is doing us a great favor. […]

Daily Broadcast 5/12/2022 – Thursday

Adam’s interview this week is with Rob Rienow. Rob has a great ministry working with families. In this talk they are discussing his book Visionary Church and how God calls churches and families to work together for the glory of God and the advance of the Gospel. Derek Thomas is doing us a great favor. […]

Daily Broadcast 5/11/2022 – Wednesday

Adam’s interview this week is with Rob Rienow. Rob has a great ministry working with families. In this talk they are discussing his book Visionary Church and how God calls churches and families to work together for the glory of God and the advance of the Gospel. Derek Thomas is doing us a great favor. […]

Daily Broadcast 5/10/2022 – Tuesday

Adam’s interview this week is with Rob Rienow. Rob has a great ministry working with families. In this talk they are discussing his book Visionary Church and how God calls churches and families to work together for the glory of God and the advance of the Gospel. Derek Thomas is doing us a great favor. […]

Daily Broadcast 5/09/2022 – Monday

Adam’s interview this week is with Rob Rienow. Rob has a great ministry working with families. In this talk they are discussing his book Visionary Church and how God calls churches and families to work together for the glory of God and the advance of the Gospel. Derek Thomas is doing us a great favor. […]

Rob Rienow – Visionary Church

Adam is talking with Rob Rienow in this installment of Sound Truth Interviews. If his name sounds familiar you might remember him from a previous interview. Today they are talking about Robs book Visionary Church: How Your Church Can Strengthen Families. This is a huge topic right now. jump in and see what they came […]

Daily Broadcast 5/07/2022 – Mothers Day Weekend!

Adam’s interview this week is with Rob Rienow. Rob has a great ministry working with families. In this talk they are discussing his book Visionary Church and how God calls churches and families to work together for the glory of God and the advance of the Gospel. Derek Thomas is doing us a great favor. […]